Break up

686 34 24


Tw: violence

„I'm very disappointed in you Y/n"

„No I'm sorry.. you don't understa-" „What do I not understand? Y/n you told me you don't feel comfortable when I'm around miss Park. Even tho she is my student, I respected it" I opened my mouth but she cut me off with her hand „Now, when you know I'm also not a fan of Morticia, why do you go into Jericho with her and also lie about it?!"

„Respected it? You went to lunch with her" She looked at me like an alien and thought for a second „I only did that because I was angry" „Oh I think it's because you're jealous" I grinned at her „Not the time for games Y/n" I sighed and took her hand in mine „I told you I was sick so that I could go into town with Morticia.. to buy a suit for the Raven" Her eyes widened and I lightly smiled at her „I asked Thornhill if she could drive me, but she had no time for me, so the only easy way to get into Jericho was to ask her"

„I'm so sorry Y/n I had no idea" „Yeah because I lied about it" I laughed and she rolled her eyes „I'm sorry for going with Willow. I shouldn't have let my jealousy affect my actions" „It's fine" I assured her before giving her a kiss „I'm just gonna go real quick and explain to Enid why a suit is laying on her bed" She laughed and so did I.

Willow pov:
I watched as Y/n left principal Weems office after their interesting conversation. I didn't had much time so I quickly took my chance and shapeshifted into Y/n. After entering her office she smiled at me "Already back?"
"I turned back because I decided to tell you now" She looked at me questionably "Y/n.. what do you want to tell me?" Oh how I hate that name. "Principal Weems I want to break up with you, I realized this is wrong" I spoke with a blank face "What do you mean? How- why- huh.. wrong?" "Yes, I realized that this can't work" I pointed with my finger back to me and her "No Y/n.. darling please think about this" "I did, the time with Morticia made me realize this is not what I want, she really helped me" "So you're just gonna leave me?" She spoke while nodding her head and trying to blink away her tears "I'm sorry Rissy" I turned around when I heard her quiet sobs and whisper's "Please don't do this" I ignored her and walked out.

I feel so bad for my woman, but I'll soon be there for her, as myself.

I shapeshifted back into myself and paced up the stairs since I had not much time left. I swung open my door and found Y/n trying on the suit she bought „Oh Eni-" She turned around and her face dropped. I smirked at her and started slowly walking up to her „What do you wa-" She was cut off due to me, punching her in the face, causing her to fall back. I quickly cuffed her hands and stuffed her mouth with a shirt. Her muffled screams of pain was all what I wanted to hear since I first saw her and now that I did, it pleases me. I grabbed her by her hair and tossed her in the big closet. After I locked the door I left my dorm quietly and pleased.

Weems pov:
I sat in front of my fireplace, drinking wine while sobbing my eyes out. I hate Morticia right now for what she did. Giving Y/n advice to break up with me. What the fuck is wrong with her? Why can't I be happy?

My thoughts got interrupted by a knock on my door. I tried to ignore it, but the person won't stop knocking. Groaning, I placed my glass on the floor and slowly made my way up to the door. I took a deep breath before opening it and was met with Willow. "I'm sorry if I'm bothering you miss Weems, uhmm can I come in?" I groaned "5 minutes" I told her sternly. She gave me a smile and strolled to my couch, with me following her. "What do you need miss Park?" I asked her as I rubbed my temple "So I know you'll probably reject me, but since I was new I was wondering if I could go with you to the Raven" I shot my eyes up and met with her 'innocent' eyes. Y/n was right, she does want something from me. I smirked to myself and rested my arms on the couch "Tell me miss Park, why would you think I would go to the Raven with you" Her cheeks flushed red while she searched for words "I-I don't know I-I'm sorry" She kept her head down and was about to walk out "Wait, I didn't say no, did I?" Her eyes widened as she turned around.

It may not be right, but I saw this as a perfect opportunity to make my girl jealous.

"Yes I will go with you, miss Park." Her eyes light up "But don't get your hopes up" She quickly nodded "Of course, Thank you miss Weems" "Yes whatever, go back to your dorm" She left without any further words and I let out a loud sigh. I decided not to think about Y/n any more today and just go to sleep.

Word count: 943

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