Chapter 2: old friend, yet different

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"Welcome Back, Want To Hear More I See?"


"Can't Deny You Guys, Y'all Love My Books, Even Tho Is Bad, But I Shall Fufill You Guys now :]"


Nobody's POV:

The Sunrise Slowly Rised As The Sky Became Lighter And Lighter, It Was So Bright, That A Little Algebralien We Know Slowly Woke Up, Only To Find Some Small Variable Right Next To Him.

"..?" Four Wondered Who Was Next To Him, Holding Him As If He Was A Huge Squishy Teddy Bear.

"Who The Hell-?" Four Said Quietly As He Turned Around, Only To See His Lil' Buddy From The Day Before, He Slowly Smiled And Hugged Him Back, As He Fell Asleep Once Again.

50 Minutes Later, X Suddenly Jumped Out Of Bed, With A Yelp.

"EEP-" *crashing sounds* /j

"HUH-?!" Four Yelped As He Saw X On The Floor,  His Worriedness (is that a word?) Got Into Him, And Quickly Grabbed X's Hand And Pulled Him Back Up.

"X, What The Fuck-?!" Four Yelled, As He Hugged Him Close, Worried If He Got Injured, Checking Him Everywhere.

"Are You Hurt Anywhere? What Happened?" Four Repeatedly Asked Questions, X Just Smiled And Nodded His Head No.

"I'm Fine Four, Just That I Heard Something Outside" Said X Quietly, Four Looked Out The Window And Stood Up To Check, as X Followed Him.

Once They Arrived Outside, There Was Nothing On Sight, Four Sighed And Kept Looking.

"I Don't Think There's Anything Here X" Said Four, As X Looked Up And Was In A 'Frozen Surprised' Look.


A Screaming Voice Was Heard Above Four And X, Four Also Looked Up And Had The Same Face As X, Four Quickly Used His Powers To Stop The Falling Object.

"What..The..Fuck?" Wondered Four, A Green Two-Shaped Algebralien Was Squealing His Eyes, Covering Himself As He Shook Hard.

"Are You Ok?" Asked X To The Stranger, As The Stranger Opened His Eyes, He Was Assured He Was Safe In This Blue-Ish Magic Bubble Thingy He Was In, He Sighed In Relief And Popped The Bubble, Landing On His Feet.

"Thank You, Blue Squishy Thing, If It Wasn't FOUR You, I Would've Been Squashed To Death!" The Stranger Said In A... Cheery Way? (How tf is he happy abt this)

"Couldn't You Just Used Ur Powers, Or You Don't Have Em'?" Four Said, Crossing His Arm And Looked At Him With a Pissed-Off Face.

"Oh Right, I Totally Forgot, Ill Just Teleport Back And-" The Stranged Said As He Quickly Snapped His Fingers... Nothing Happend.

"..What?" The Stranger Wondered Why He Wasn't Back, He Kept Snapping, He Sure Looked Stressed (Wow Lisa, Woow).

His Magic Seemed To Be Working, But He Couldn't Teleport Anywhere, So He Tried Teleporting Somewhere Nearby, Like A Hill And Seemed To Be Working. So he Teleported Back To Four And X,  Unsure On What To do

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"My Magic Seems To Be Working, But I Can't Teleport Back Into My Homeland, I'm Very Confused, Why Can't I Go Back?!" He Said, He Began to Sweat And Stress More As He Grabbed His Head And Squished It.

X Calmly Took The Stranger's Hand, And Instructed To Breath In and Breath Out Slowly, So The Stranger Did As He Said, And Seemed To Calm Down.

"You're Good At Calming Down" Whispered Four, X Looked At Four And Smiled Shyly. "Awh Please, Anybody Can Do That, Is Very Simple" X Objected, As He Released The Stranger's Hand And Sat Down Next To Him, As Four Follows X's Movements.

"Don't Worry, I'm Sure You Will Return Soon, I Promise" Said X As He Hugged The Stranger, As He Starts To Form Tears, Four Tried To Help By Patting His Head, Minutes Later He Fully Calmed Down.

"I'm Sorry For Bashing In With No Warning And For Wasting Your Time.." Said The Stranger, As He Swiped His Tears Off And Give A Slightly Frown As He Looked Both At X And Four. X Smiled Warmly And Hugged Him Again, "It's Ok, You Weren't A Bother To Calm Down, So Don't Apologize" X Said, Four Just Crossed His Arms, Muttering 'You're Welcome'.

An Hour Passed By, Sitting Next To Them, For Being There For Him, Two Finally Stood Up, And Went Infront Of The X And Four, Giving A Bright And Confident Smile.

"I'm Feeling Much Better Now, And Allow Me To Introduce Myself, I'm The GREAT And POWERFUL Two!" Two Said, His Whiny Voice Got Replaced With A Confident Bri'ish Voice, Four Was Unamused As Usual, While X Stared In Awe.

"woah, You're So Cool, Two!" X Exclaimed, As He Clapped His Hands, Four On The Other Hand, Had Somehow A... Jealous Face? (mm i see, i see) As He Saw How X Was Amazed By This.. Bri'ish Alien Thing that Came From The Sky.

"How Did You Ended Up Here Anyways?" Asked Four In The Most Unamused Tone He Could Made, Two Turned Around, Thinking How, "I Don't Really Know, I Was Just Ruling My Own Kingdom On Part Of My Land, When Suddenly A Portal Opened Underneath Me, And Just Fell Into This Strange Place.. What Is This Places Anyways-?" Two Explained And Questioned, X Was About To Open His Mouth To Say Anything But Four Interrupted.

"You're At Planet Goiky, Math Street, And You? a Ruler? HAH, That's The Funniest Thing I Heard In MONTHS" Chuckled Four, From A Chuckle To An Intense Laugh.

X Hitted Four's Shoulder As He Cleared His Throat, Four Suddenly Stopped, Clearing His Throat Too.

"Eh, Of Course You Wouldn't Believe Me, You Low-Tier Planet Habitaters Are Weak, And Would Not Believe Such Thing-"


(insert intense chocking and fighting and What-Not)

After Some Intense Fighting, X Was Trying His Best To Hold Both Of Them, Until They Would Calm Down and Stop Fighting.

"What The Heck Is Your Problem, The Both Of You!?" X Exlcaimed, He Had Some Angery Tone In His Voice As He Crossed His Arms And Sits Them On The Sofa.

Two And Four Just Sitted Down Quietly And Looked Down, X Was Giving Dissapointment Vibes In His Face.

"Four, You Are Better Than This!" X Shamefully Said As Four Looked At Him, Giving A 'I'm Sorry Face'.

"Ugh- Anyways, How Do We Get You back Into Your Homeworld, Two?" X asked, two sat down and thought for a moment.

"Usually when my kind is kick out, it lasts for a week or 'TWO', hahah!" Two explained to X, Laughing At the (bad) Pun He Made.

"That Was The Worst Thing I heard In All My Numbery Life" Four Scoffed, As Two Looked at Him.

"Well thats just plain rud-"

"Dont you dare fight again you two" X Said With an aggressive tone to it. (F: God he is scary when he's mad)  (T: Tell Me About It-)

•{ After Some Time }•

Four and X were prepared to go to sleep, Two came up to the Variable, Awkwardly Laughing.

"Haha- Where Am I Going To Stay Or Sleep-" Two asked awkwardly, as soon as X opened His Mouth, Four Cutted him off.

"You can sleep outside in the floor, goodnight" Four Said As He Pushed Two Outside and slammed the door on him.

Some Muffling can be heard inside, seemed like Four And X Were Arguing.

A few minutes passed and X Opened The Door, Smiling Awkwardly.
"Haha- Sorry About That, Come In-!" X Said As He Welcomed The British number Inside.

Four was in the couch Angry,
(daddy angy)
His Face was Pissed Off, arms on the sides And Sat Straight (so no gay?).

Four was in the couch Angry,(daddy angy)His Face was Pissed Off, arms on the sides And Sat Straight (so no gay?)

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"Haha.. Ah.. Four-?" X Asked Nervously, Four Didn't Respond And Just Sat There Pissed.

"Hey, Your Lemon Flavored Boyfriend Is Talking To You-"
(This never happened)

"Hey, Four, X is Talking To You-"Two Said In A Demanding Voice, As Four Turned Around (bish who?).

"And who are you to talk to me like that?!" Four Yelled At Two, As The Both Of Them Argued, X Just groaned and went into his room, slamming the door as the Algebrelians Jumped.

"Holy Elizabeth" Yelped Two, Looking At The Door as Four Looked Back, Slightly Feeling Guilty,
"Hey X-" Four Tried To Call Him, Two Looked At Four And Crossed His Arms, tsking.
"Jeez NOW You're Talking To Him?" Two Said In A Disappointed Voice.

"i- Shut The Hell Up, Horrible Shaped Snake" Four Groaned As He Hoped Out Of The Couch And We To His Room, As Two Stood There, Looking At Four.
"Horrible Shaped Snake?" Two Pondered, as he sat on the couch.

A Few Hours Later, Everyone Got Tired And Went To Sleep, It Was A Long Day, As Soon As The Sun Fully Sat Down, Everyone was Asleep, Peacefully.

End Of Chapter 2.




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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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