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There you stood in the middle of a jungle talking to your partner.  It was obvious that your partner was a spy , atleast to kakashi and you .

Team 7 had been hiding in the bushes for the past hour ,spying on you . You hadn't been completely oblivious to this but nevertheless had to ignore their existence.

The feeling of familiarity radiating from 3 of the 4 chakras spying on you, throwing you in a turmoil of questions while you thought of ways to kill your own partner.

'What was the point of keeping him alive anyway ? I have enough evidence to prove my reasoning and if any of those "spies" following me have a bit of a brain they'd figure out Akio was a spy as well.' You had thought.
Well for your namesake you had planned to torture and then kill Akio but you'd been working with the amateur 20 year old for a while ,so, eventhough shionbi's are supposed to be emotionless you decided to give in to the urge and just kill him .

Eyes glimmering with betrayal and hurt stared at him , making the unaware boy stop mid conversation and tilt his head in confusion, "Senpai?" He questioned .

Naive amd unskilled as he was , he wasn't Foolish.  Aware of the shift in the atmosphere and the way blood lust terrorized your eyes was enough to tell him this was the end .
Afterall no one has ever escaped the wrath of Y/N senju.

Meanwhile hiding in the bushes along with his team stood kakashi , well aware of what was going to happen .
His team bewildered with excitement and slightly scared of the sight infront of them .

"So she is gonna be our new sensei?" All of them had thought albeit with different emotions.
Both naruto and sasuke weren't sure of the skills you possesd just yet , The fact that you were wearing an anbu uniform just reassuring them slightly . Sakura on the otherhand was gushing over how pretty you were even though your face was completely hidden by the anbu mask .

All that was before you gracefully lifted your hand up bringing it up infront of you and swiftly inserting it inside Akio's chest . In one clean movement you had broken his ribcage and brought out his heart in the palm of your hand .
Akio's body fell down with a thump , eyes first in shock and then being covered slowly by his eyelids .

Poor guy had no chance to defend himself , he was lucky though . Very lucky to have been killed in one quick movement instead of being painfully tormented towards his end , more so because he died at your hands .

You threw his heart over his body right over the hole , walking to a nearby waterbody to wash your hands .
Upon cleaning your hands you summoned your snow wolves. They'd eat up akio making sure there were no remains left.  He would barely be enough for two of them , poor boy wouldn't have met this end if only he had more useful information within him.

Sakura visibly gagged at the scene of the tigers ripping apart the spies body . Naruto trying to hide his disgusted eyes while sasuke just stared at the scene , as emotionless as he tried to be , he still was a mere child .
The team didn't know the crimes committed by the 20 year old would've put everybody is the village in danger and hence they couldn't help but empathize with him.

"My last mission as ANBU captain is over , you guys can come out of the hiding" You announced , the ground where akio had previously laid now empty with just a few bloodstains.
The wolves did a good job of not making a mess.

The team that had previously been eyeing you came out of the bushes , and to say you were surprised to see the bunch would be an understatement .

Your eyes widened in surprise seeing the man who previously had been your bestfriend and whom you might've had feelings for accompanied by a child who evidently was your dead sensie's child , the last survivor of uchiha clan and a bubblegum pinkie...?

"Yo.....hey" said kakashi trying to delude the awkwardness in the atmosphere but failing miserably . He couldn't let his team know about your history together just yet and despite being by your side for 10+ years , you were still as much unpredictable to him as all those years ago .

So he did what he could do what he thought was the best idea at the time , pass on lady tsunade's scroll to you . It contained all the information in regards to your future as the jonin leader .

Even more astounded than the past,  you removed your mask  revealing your face . Your face radiating a comforting beauty along with suppressed anger,  "that lady , at her ripe old age still wants to play petty and take revenge huh?" You muttered , making both naruto and sakura laugh slightly. Your tone incredibly reassuring .

All of kakashi's previously nervousness being washed away at the sight of your smile . The smile that he thought he'd never see again , assured him that everything was gonna be okay .

Turning your head towards him , your smile only faltering a bit you greeted him and exchanged vital information before shifting your attention back to the children. This was going to be stressful but so worth it .

You had always loved naruto as a little brother , taking care of him as a baby but being forced to had him over to the orphanage and being thrown out of the village in years worth of mission.
Now you finally had time to take care of him again and return all the love that you received from both your teacher and his wife to their child.

The conversation between you and kakashi had been short but filled with subtle hints . Eventhough he was now sure that the team would get along just fine and that you would dutifully complete your role , he could also certainly tell that things weren't going to be same between the two of you .

The distance between you two stretching to great expanses with walls built out of pure distrust , anger and resentment .

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