Chapter Nineteen: Kiss Of Death

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"No... no, it's not possible," I gasp, watching the dark, swirling symbols rise in my skin.
"Oh, yes. Yes it is." Killian's eyes blaze bright blue. The same blue that used to exist in Alarik's now pained, panicked eyes.
"Lavena," He gasps, "my powers–" Killian stole them back. Using me.
"Alarik, you don't need that power." I say firmly.
"I... I know that." He replies slowly.
"So confident, brother. I really believe you." Killian scoffs. Killian's voice drips with sarcasm. I open my mouth to fight him, but I'm cut off by a horrible scream. Alarik's scream. When I whip around, my heart seizes in my chest. Killian's guards throw heavy chains over Alarik's body... and stab spears into his arms and legs.
"ALARIK!" I sprint for him, but Killian appears in front of me with breakneck speed.
"No need to spend time with your old mate, Lavena." Killian laughs, "You're mine now."
"I will die before I let you touch me." I growl, pulling away from him.
"No, no, no. We can't have you die." Killian tisks, pulling me back, "Not for a very long time." I try to twist out of his grasp, but he pulls me into his body, wrapping his arms around me like a cage.
"See, I need you around. I want you around." He continues, "Without you, none of my plans are possible."
"Those plans can burn in hell with you." I shoot back.
"Oh, I'm sure you'd like that." Killian chuckles, "Considering what they involve for you." Killian rests his chin atop of my head, his words leaking into my ear like poison.
"I'll hang you naked while I slaughter the rest of your kind one by one until you're the last living human on this earth." He licks my neck, and I shake.
"I'll take my time killing them. So much time."
"You're sick." Is all I can manage out.
"Mmm, yes. The first of many things you'll calle me before I'm through with you, my little plaything." Killian's hand snakes up my throat, pressing my body against his. I geel him grow hard at my back.
"Let go of her–!" Alarik tries to move, tries to fight, but his blood seeps violently from his speared arms and legs. I should feel his pain. I should be able to take all of it away. But my connection to him is gone. Tears sting in my eyes.
"Don't worry." Killian smiles, "I'll take good care of your little slave, Alarik. I'll lock her in a cell, deep underground... when I'm not using her, of course."
"You son of a–!" Alarik screams, and I move. I sink my teeth in hs fingers, clear to the bone. Swearing, he yanks his hand back, shoving me into the ground with so much force, my knees crack the floor.
"You little cunt." Killian growls, "Seems you're in need of a lesson from your new master." He begins to morph, his half-dragon form a hulking, menacing sight...
"Let's start with watching everyone you've ever known die." Finally free, I try to run for Alarik. His eyes burn into mine from across the room.
"No. Run away, Lavena." Alarik insists. I know I should, but I can't. My brain blurs as Killian's blood red dragon form roars over me. His eyes rage blue. His wings stretch so far now that they scrape the sides fo the cavernous room. He flaps those wings, and the blow knocks me to the ground before I reach Alarik. Rising in the air, he imprisons me in his talon. I scream as I'm propelled up, up out of the room, and ALarik tears himself apart, ripping free of the spears to save me.
"No!" I scream, "Alarik, don't!"
"I won't stop!" He yells back, "I'll nevers stop, Lavena! I'll–!" Alarik grows small, his words are drowned out as Killian pulls me high into the frigid night sky.

Wind lashesat my face as Killian tears through the darkness. When my hometown comes into view, my heart nearly stops.
"Don't you fucking dare!" I scream, thrashing in his talon. Killian's growl seems almost mocking. I know he has no intention of stopping. But a burst of orange flame blocks Killian's path. He rears back as Alarik comes into view. Hie eyes glow gold in the darkness, his wings and legs tattered from his hasty escape. But there's somethin in him that Killian lacks: resolve. With a ferocity only Alarik possesses, he snaps at Killian mid-air, weaving through the clouds in pursuit of us. We near the town. Alarik roars with desperation, dodging a burst of blue flame and diving for me. I have to get free, but I can't move! If I try to escape I'll fall to my death. Almost as though reading my mind or sensing my fear, Killian opens his claw... and drops me.
"No!" I scream. The fall is harsh, churnin my stomach as I plummet for an unspeakable amount of time. I'm going to die. I brace myself for the impact, but it's not the ground that slams against me. It's Alarik's back.
"Thank you. So much." Tears roll freely down my face as I cling to his back, resting my forhead against his scales. Alarik roars and together, we slice into the dark storm clouds. Killian disappears into the thick fog as well, and suddenly everything is quiet. Too quiet.
"Alarik, I think he's going to come at us out of nowhere." I say quickly, "Watch your sides. I've got your back." Alarik growls in agreement, his powerful body turning to check. Sure enough, out of nowhere, blue murderous eyes flash out of the darkness behind me, followed by bloodstained jaws. With my help, Alarik barrels out of the way. We duck and soar up, flipping around to face Killian. Alarik spits a massive stream of dragonfire at Killian, but he flies through it as though it's nothing. Regular fire can't burn a dragon. With a sickening roar, Killian dives straight for us, head-on.
"Alarik, dive!" I yell. Alarik roars in acknowledgement, diving right before Killian breathes his fire. Killian growls in frustration... and swoops after us. He dives down, down out of the clouds, heading straight for us. Then... he turns. But when I see what he's planning, the world goes utterly quiet and still. No. Killian soars low over my hometown... opens his deadly jaws... and sprays his horrific blue dragonflame over the town. The town explodes sand the screams that follow shatter my heart. God, no. Please, no! Hot, angry tears fall freely down my face, and Alarik takes notice. The growl and the immense beat of Alarik's wings are all he needs to tell me what he craves: vengeance.

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