Part 21: Do you know what love is ?

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I told you
You don't have to
Reciprocate my feelings
If you don't hold them

I could simply love you
That doesn't mean
That I'll have to
Have you with me

But I want to tell you
From the bottom of my heart
That please don't show
So much disregard
To my feelings

You don't have to show it back
But don't heedlessly
Say that I just couldn't find another
Cause I could say that
I don't love you anymore

And pretend like
There's nothing left
Offer love to the one
Who seeks
Ready to give
It all to me

But all they did in return
Was remind me how much
You meant to me
And how I can't
See anyone else
Other than you
In this little space
Called the heart
Of mine

That's why I stand
By myself
Like I always do
I'm not needy for love
But I guess
I needed you
And I don't know
Why ?!

And if you still don't think
That this is love
I guess you've never
Even been in love

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