Cuddles for Angel!

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Angel sat on his bed, staring at the wall. He was alone in the hotel, husk was at a casino, Charlie and Vaggie were on a date, Nifty was out with a friend, and Alastor was at his radio tower.

Angel was on house arrest for doing drugs. Again.

They don't understand how hard the withdrawals are to Angel! They fucking hurt.

A lot.

The spider flopped on his back, now staring at the ceiling. Bored as usual.

He could call Cherri, but she's on a date with Molly.

Ah, fuck it.

Angel got up and went to the lobby, he walked towards the bar and took a bottle of Alcohol. "I'll pay Husky later." He muttered to himself. He searched through the entire hotel for his drugs. Charlie stashed them away all the time so she could find out which one Angel used or tried to use.

He finally found it after around twenty minutes. He looked at the pill bottles, trying to find his favorite one.

Angel grinned as he found the Angel Dust one. He walked back upstairs to his bedroom and drank some alcohol and swallowed some pills.

His head started spinning and he fell onto his bed, giggling to himself. "This shit hits hard.." he muttered.
Alastor walked back to the hotel, finished with his work at the Radio tower. He walked in the hotel, "Angel?" He called out, knowing the spider was still in the hotel.

It said so on his tracker.

He looked at the cabinet that kept Angel's drugs locked in.

It was opened. Alastor rolled his eyes and teleported to Angel's room, seeing a high and drunk Angel on the floor, laughing.

"Angel." Alastor said, his voice low. He was indeed furious, but a tad worried for his friend.

He never showed it, of course.

"Hi- hi Cher-- Cherri!" Angel giggled, he tried getting up from the floor but failed, he fell back down on his knees.

"Funny, ain't it? I'm still a pathetic, fuckin' druggie who can't do anythin' but suck a fuckin' dick." He said, his lips curving into a sad smile.

"Angel, I am not the one who is called Cherri. But you are not pathetic. Your addicted. It's hard trying to stop using drugs." Alastor said as he got on his knees, placing a hand on the spiders head.

Angel looked at him, his eyes tearing up. Soon, he broke down. Crying in front of the radio demon.

Alastors smile dropped as he brought Angel in for a hug, he picked him up and sat in his bed.

Angel cried into Alastors shoulder, babbling and sobbing. He never cried in front of anybody but cherri and Molly.

"Shh, mon amour. It's okay, I'm here now. Shh, go to sleep. Alright? I'll be right here when you wake up." Alastor whispered as he rubbed Angel's back soothingly.

Angel curled into a ball against him, Alastors arms wrapped around the shorter demon.

"I won't let anyone harm you anymore. I promise." He whispered as he gave Angel a kiss on the head. He pulled Angel closer to him as his eyes started closing.

Alastor rubbed Angel's back until his eyes closed completely, now asleep from crying so much.

Alastor closed his eyes as he fell asleep as well, never leaving Angels touch. He never left Alastors cuddle.

They were in love with each other, but didn't know it yet.

Or did they?

𝐑𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now