"Wait what?! Are you serious right now!?" Kiro laughed nervously as I nodded. "Now. Everybody else wait here. Kelsi and Haru come." I said as I left the inn. Minutes after, Kiro, Kelsi, and Chiharu came outside.
"Alright, if you win, you get to stay in the guild. If I win, then bye bye." I muttered as I descended the wooden stairs.
"Okay. Gun versus melee then?" Kiro asked as he grabbed out his gun. "Gun versus gun, melee versus melee. Teleport to the Southridge PK Area as soon as possible." I said as I grabbed out a teleportation ball and threw it down to the ground like a magician who magically disappears.
The smoke dissolved and I entered the PK tower which looked like the Colosseum from Rome because of its architecture. I sat down on the seats and saw players doing 1v1 or Guild versus Guild. Moments after multiple PvPs finished, Chiharu and Kelsi came and sat down beside me.
"Where's Kiro?" I wondered. "He's coming." Kelsi said as we stared at the battles.
Kiro came and sat down beside Haru. "Let's go." I said as I stood up from my seat and challenged Kiro for a PvP. He accepted and we were teleported to a room. "Fight!" A voice said as I grabbed out my sword and Kiro grabbed out his dagger.
"Ah, dagger, nice choice." I complimented, sounding not that amused. Kiro tried to slice my face but I dodged. I swung my sword near his chest and my sword hit his chest.
"Gah!" Kiro squealed as I saw his HP lower. "Guns?" I asked as I got my handgun out. "Alright," Kiro said as he grbbed out his ACR.
I pulled the trigger and he dodged my bullet. He pulled the gun's trigger and it shot multiple bullets. I crouched down and it missed. I tried to shoot his leg and bam! It missed.
He shot his gun again and it hit me in the head. I dropped my gun and collapsed. "Holy crap, I WON!" Kiro exclaimed. How the fuck can you not know that your friend is fucking bleeding on the cold floor.
I got teleported back to Chiharu and Kelsi and I was rubbing my forehead. It hurts as shit.. It really felt like a real gun shot.
"Yuki, are you okay?" Kelsi asked as she patted my back. "I'm fine, K-Kiro, he passed." I said as Chiharu squealed and Kelsi and I were just staring at her with a blank face.
"Let me see your forehead. Well for fucks sake Yuki! There's no hole in your forehead!" Kelsi argued as she flicked the back of my head. "Oww!" I squealed.
"Kiro you get to stay.. Now let's go get the others and head towards the Popeon tower." I said as I stood up and headed out the tower. I teleported back to the inn and saw Rachel, Blue, Clo, Flo, and Hood eating at the table.
"So did Kiro win?" Clo asked. "Yes."
"How!?" Rachel thought, sounding really concerned.
"He shot my head." I answered as I sat down beside Hood because there weren't anymore seats to sit on.
"Wow, that effective, huh?" Flo muttered as she sipped from a cup.
"Mhm, anyways. Hood, Rachel and Flo, let's go. We're just waiting for Haru, Kiro, and Kelsi to come back." I said as the front door opened. "Never mind."
"Eat first before going to the tower, aye!" Clo exclaimed as Kelsi, Haru and Kiro sat down. "Congrats man." Hood cheered as he patted Kiro's back. "Yeah thanks, I got sliced in the chest with Yuki's sword." Kiro answered as he looked at me with a kind-of disappointed look.
"I'm done eating." I said as I stood up and left the inn. I sat down on the steps on the porch and was waiting for something to happen. I was so quiet until someone with long but neat yellow-ish hair with brown tips at the bottom appeared in front of me.
"Speak." He said as I looked up and saw a gun pointing right straight to my head. "What do you want." I said, sounding not amused.
"I want your weapons. Members, and your inn." The mysterious man answered as he was almost about to pull the trigger. "Why? You little noob." I hissed at him.
"I'm not a noob. I'm level 20." He replied. "Level 20 by how? Killing people who are AFK? How pathetic. And you say you're not a noob, then are you good at guns? Using melees? Skill?"
"Damn, you are one really cool girl." He said as he put the gun down. "Thanks. The name's Yuki." I introduced. "The name's Harutora."
"So, uhh, what's your level?" I asked. "It's 20. It's literally 20." He answered. "Guns?"
"BAR, PBP, Pk2, and the strongest handgun." I was pretty impressed for a guy who has been on his own.
"Damn, you're awesome." I said as the door behind me opened. "What the, Yuki, have you been hitting on this guy?" Hood teased. "I don't hit on bitches in games!" I yelled back at Hood with a really stressed and angry tone.
"Alright alright, chill." Hood chuckled as I looked back at Harutora. "Wait is your name Harutora?" Chiharu asked in syllables.
"Yes." Harutora answered. "Holy crap you're like the top 5 in one of the strongest and most talented players in the game! " Haru exclaimed as we all gasped.
"Hehe.." Harutora snickered as I walked down the porch steps and walked around. I heard Hood back stabbing me.. "Hey uhh, sorry about Yuki. She's just like that.."
That little filthy bitch. "Oh it's fine. My guild members used to be such dickheads." Harutora uttered as I walked back to the inn.
"Alright, you guys ready?" I asked. "Wait, where are you going? Harutora asked. "Popeon tower." Kiro mentioned as Harutora ruffled his hair.
"Oh alright. I'll come and help you with defeating the bosses." Harutora said as we all cheered.
Word count: 1012
I'm on a writing spreeee <33

Trapped in The Core
Adventure2054, Tokyo Japan. The year Nerve Rift was released. Millions of people have bought it worldwide. Some haven't but they think that it's heaven when they play it but simply, it isn't. Two girls in the same city in Japan have bought this and the best...