𝟎𝟔𝟔, kingdom come!

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Learning that there was possibly new communities to meet and see never got less exciting. new people, new faces. new things to look at, seeing the way other people lived their life. alexandria had been like a friendly, all american neighbourhood, like something straight out of a coming of age movie that a rich family lived in, but acted like they were middle class despite their seven bedrooms and three bathrooms.

the hilltop was like the country side, like a camping holiday. people living in their caravans, walking around in the mud with wellies on as they farmed all day long. that was cute, like a little southern movie or something, where a family lived happily with a golden retriever and a bunch of cows. the hilltop screamed georgia. to estella, the hilltop reminded her a lot of where she grew up. it felt nice to be there, because it reminded her of normal.

the sanctuary was... well... the sanctuary. like hell.

so she couldn't wait to see what the kingdom was like. what it had in store, how those people lived. it was exciting. living in the apocalypse, meeting new communities was like going on a family vacation and visiting a bunch of different countries that had completely different ways of life. for instance, like goimg to hawaii and walking around with no shoes on, or going to africa and eating with your hands. it was fun, learning and exploring all the different ways of life.

"it's called the kingdom?" rick asked as jesus, rick and estella got out of the car. she had to get out so jesus could get out. she decided to just stay out, needing the fresh air after being cramped in a car for however long she had been in there.

"yeah. i didn't name it." jesus shrugged.

"how much farther?" rick asked, looking around.

"well, technically we're already here." jesus said.

estella looked around. "are you being serious? i was expecting something like disney world, to be honest. where's the people?"

"that's not what i meant. i mean, we're always here. but here we are.. at the kingdom. well, it's outer edge."

daryl poked his head over the top of the car. estella had to stop herself from giggling, deciding he looked like a little mole poking it's head out of the ground. "hey, the hell are we waitin' on?"

"waiting for them." jesus said, pointing.

estella and rick turned around to see who he was pointing to. much to her surprise, she saw two men in full protective gear coming towards them on horses. the horses were brown, with the most beautiful blonde hair that estella had ever seen. the people did look like they were from a movie, though. it was funny.

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