Prologue | The Interview

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Y/N quickly hurried into the new job environment she might end up working at, before she reached the receptionists desk she quickly adjusted her messy [h/c] hair and dress to look a bit more presentable for her interview. Once done, she adjusted her posture and walked up to the desk and cleared her throat softly, "Hello, I'm Y/N, and I'm here for my job interview with Mr. Void?" Her nervous stature became slightly more visible to the receptionist whom looked up from her phone. "Yeah, you can go back. It's the big twin door office on the right side of me. The boss' name is on a golden plake placed near the doors, and it isn't hard to miss." Y/N nodded and thanked the woman. She proceeded to head to the boss' office while mentally preparing herself for questions she may be asked by him. 

Once she got to the doors of the office, she lightly knocked on one to be polite and to make sure she was welcome before barging in uninvited. In a low tired voice a male mumbled out a 'come in' and with that Y/N slowly opened the office door and went inside, she looked around in amazement then slowly looked to the male sitting at his desk doing paperwork. He had books littering the floors and rogue papers that fell off the side of his desk, and it seems he hasn't had time to clean up the mess. "Please sit down, Ms. L/N. So we can start this interview. " With that, Y/N sat down, and the interview began.

    After many questions and analyzing from Mr. Void the interview was over, and Y/N was given the opportunity to go on a quick tour around the rehab/psych ward facility. She was able to meet her fellow co-workers and a few patients who were stable and sobering, one of the patients was Russia. The Russian watched her quietly before looking back out a window to think about things other than a new worker that'll just bother him. Y/n went off with Mr. Void to see everything else such as the courtyard, mess hall [cafeteria for workers/stable patients], garden where plants and fresh produce were grown and on site sleeping areas for certain workers who lived to far way to live after their shift. 

      Y/n was shown to her own pre-made room she was allowed to set up when she came in for her first day. Mr Void allowed the small/ medium-sized girl to roam around and get familiar with her surroundings, to which she did. She ended up going face first into someone while she was walking, though. "Oh sheisse, Es tut mir leid-" the country quickly checked the girl to see if she was ok, Y/n rubbed her face slightly, then looked up to see a German country before her. "OH NO- I'm sorry I should've been watching where I was going please don't apologize it wasn't your fault-" the girl basically blurted out of her mouth due to shock and embarrassment of not watching where she was going. "Ah, nein, I should've watched who was walking in front of me, but Hallo! I'm Germany, you must be ze new worker here?" Y/n nodded slightly with a slightly reddened hue to their cheeks. She felt super embarrassed over not watching what she was doing and ogling like a child in a candy store. "Well, welcome. If du need anything, I'm sure I can help out in any way I can. " The German smiled reassuringly to the embarrassed girl before walking off to get his work done.

[+1 Relationship points - Germany]

   Y/N lightly patted her cheeks to calm down and come back to a calmer setting, she smiles and began to explore more. After a while she went home to prepare things for her. Let's say dorm in the facility. She got clothes and blankets along with stuffed animals cause who doesn't love stuffed animals! When done she put everything in her car and took a nice hot shower to be ready for the next day.

Once Y/n got out of her shower, she dried off and got into her f/c t-shirt and sleep pants. She dried her hair with her blow dryer before jumping onto her bed in excitement She giggled a bit to herself before settling down and getting comfortable, she sighs softly as she dozes off into a nice relaxing sleep.

[Checkpoint saved] 

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