How they'd die

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Admi- Food poisoning.

Alice- Doing a mission her own way, doesn't listen to Ludmilla and ends up getting either crushed by raptures or an avalanche.

Anis- Got to careless on a mission and ended up getting crushed by a huge rock.

Aria- A light from a stage fell on her mid-performance, killing her instantly.

Belorta- Died trying to protect Mica during a mission.

Biscuit- Some movie kinda shit where her dogs get infected, turn into zombies, and hunt her down.

Brid- Worked herself to exhaustion, killing her.

Liter- A building fell on her.

Marian- Do I even need to say anything?

Dolla- Her scamming finally caught up to her. She messed with the wrong person and got hunted down and killed.

Volume- Some psycho fan found and killed her.

Delta- A land mine.

Epinel- Tried to perform a very dangerous trick, but ended up killing herself in the process.

Guillotine- The One-Winged Dark Lord.

Scarlet- Dysentery.

Noah- Prank gone wrong.

Yuni- The restraints were so tight they suffocated her.

Modernia- 1. When Chatterbox fell, it ended up killing her.
2. When you beat her in the robot, it malfunctioned and ended up killing her in a self destruct.

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