~December 24th~ part I

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I woke up again, cursing life for waking up. I'd rather go back to sleep and never have to open my eyes again. It's today already. The day I've been putting off for years... The worst nightmare has come true. Nobody will help me. I'm screwed... Damn it all! I've fallen so low a long time ago, that there's nowhere lower to fall. Let it be over already...

I set off to work, dragging my feet sadly. I couldn't smile today. I couldn't pretend anymore. This whole situation overwhelmed me. What if I don't want this kind of life? What if I'm someone different, than what everyone expects me to be? What if... Thousands of questions swirled in my head, leaving me without answers...

The hours at work were dragging on terribly. I was afraid that Bright would expose me. Deep down, I felt that he wouldn't do that to me, but who knows? The last few minutes were approaching and he still wasn't there...

Apparently, he also noticed how worthless I am and that it's not worth bothering with me. I got off the platform feeling extremely depressed. Suddenly, I felt someone hugging me from behind. I flinched in the first second... But after a moment, when I sensed familiar perfume, I began to enjoy the embrace. However, it didn't last too long... I felt sad when he took his hands off my waist.

"Hello babe!" - The boy smiled at me mischievously.

"I'm sorry for being late, I know it looks bad, but I couldn't get away earlier. I had a few things to take care of in the city. But I promise I'll make it up to you somehow."

"No worries. It's good that you made it here at all. I was afraid you would blow me off and just not show up." - I spoke truthfully, looking into the empty space behind his back...

"I would never stand you up. You're too important to me. I promise I'll make it up to you today, okay?" - wait a minute... Did he just say that I'm important to him, or did I mishear? For the first time in a week, a genuine smile appeared on my face.

We started walking from store to store. I was looking for a decent present for my mom. It ended up with me buying her a scarf and a bag. I hope she'll be happy with them, and if not, oh well. I'm just a guy. I don't have an obligation to have taste.

"At what time are you starting dinner? I mean, how much time do we have for ourselves?"

"Actually, we don't have much time for ourselves...-"

"-I don't understand...?" - Oh, shoot! Did I say that out loud??

"Dinner... Umm, yes.. At 8 PM"

"On the bright side, we still have some time. So, I invite you for a coffee and a pastry." - He said and I followed him towards... Seriously? Of all the possible cafes, he chose Starbucks? Well, maybe I can survive it in his company...

We sat at the furthest table, wanting to gain a bit of privacy. We placed our order... Bright spoke up to me, initiating the conversation first...

"Maybe you'll finally tell me what's bothering you? But honestly... Don't give me any lies. I can see it in you. I know that something is going on, and you're trying to hide it."

"What?!" - How did he know?! I've been sitting here smiling the whole time, joking around and everything seems fine... How on earth, I ask you, how?!

"Oh no, everything is fine... Really. Thank you for your concern, but there's really no need to dwell on it any longer."

"Sweetheart... Did you perhaps forget something?" - I had no idea, what he was talking about. My companion rolled his eyes in a theatrical way...

Be my elf forever ♡ BrightWinWhere stories live. Discover now