This feeling

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I look into Alex's eyes, then my eyes travel to his lips then back up to his eyes. I feel like I'm going to die at how close he is, his chest against mine, my breath hitches when Alex's face came closer to mine. Our lips touch and my eyes widened in surprise, before I can kiss back the door opens and in came Charles,

"oh my-" he started to say but then turns around, Alex jumps up and is as red as a tomato, I am probably as well, "please, if the two of you are going to do that, do it somewhere I won't walk in on," Charles says walking away. My blush deepens, but when Charles is gone I walk up to Alex and got in his face,

"next time don't surprise me," I said then kiss him, in two seconds I break away and walk out of the room as fast as I can without running.

We started training the next day, I didn't get to see Alex a lot but that's ok it gave me more time to collect myself. My training was transforming faster, at one point Sean asks if I can transform into a mermaid, "yes, I can, but I don't want to," I replied,

"Come one, please!" he begged coming closer and putting his hands together,

"... Fine." I say getting up then headed to the pool, it was lunch time so everyone is there, they fallow me and Sean, meanwhile Sean is dancing.

I scoff at how childish Sean is being but then smile, I've always loved the water, and transforming into a mermaid, you transform into a mermaid on Halloween then wait in the river that goes right threw town, you'll have a hay day!

I jump into the pool and began the transformation, once done I pop up right in front of Sean, he screams and falls backwards. I have a blue greenish tail and a half shirt the same color, my eye glow when I'm transformed so it kind of scares people,

"Whoa," Raven said, "Can I feel your tail?" she asks shyly, I nod and flout on the water so she can reach me. Her warm hand touches my cold tail and she jerks back in surprise, "You're so cold and you feel like a fish." she states, I laugh and nod,

"Kind of am." I say shrugging, Darwin jumps in as well growing gills on his neck,

"Can you breath under water?" Darwin asks,

"Yes." I replied then drive down he follows both of our eyes are open as we turn to each other, he still looks human but with gills. We stay there for three moments then slowly came to the top, "I could stay under all day, but I have other things to do," I said frowning, after that I transform back into a human and get out. Darwin jumps out as well exited and energetic,

After getting into dry clothes I heard a knock on my door, "Come in," I called from my bed, Alex slowly sat next to me,

"so, you like transforming into a mermaid?" he asks, "yea, werewolf and mermaid are my favorite," I replied smiling at him,

"What about flying?" he asks, I nod,

"I can grow wings but that is a lot harder." I say, he nods then I hear Charles,

"I need you down stairs to train" he says in my head, I meet Alex's eyes and sigh

"Got to go see Charles, training," I tell him then get up, he gets up as well looking around then sees my diary and goes over I lunge across my bed grab it then stand up on the bed and jump off on the other side. Wrapping my arms around the diary I glare at Alex, he smirks,

"You'll have to leave it somewhere, sometime." he states putting his hands in his pockets, I huff then walk out going to see Charles.

Blazing Pink eyes (X-men First Class Romance)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang