Chapter 5- Graze

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CW- Injury, blood, hospitals, medication :)

Hux's pov:

My drunk brain was defiantly not as quick thinking as my sober brain. So, as we both went tumbling to the floor I did not try to avoid landing on top of Kylo. We both landed in the floor and Kylo yelped in pain. Loser, I didn't, I used him as a pillow pretty much.

This is the closest I've ever gotten to his face ; I allowed myself to take it all in. His eyes were indeed not boring, they looked like space and somehow shone despite how dark they were. Freckles were brushed lightly across his face in a perfect way. His hair had a lovely curl to it and looked awfully soft. Before I could even stop myself I reached out to touch it.

Only for a split second though, he pushed me away with all his strength and I hit my head against the concrete, I screamed in pain but he didn't realise, "Get of me!" he yelled.

But before I could chortle a response I passed out and the last thing I saw was blood on the floor.

Time skip brought to you by teacher strikes


When I awoke I lay in a hospital bed, the bright light stung my eyes. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Kylo laying against the chair with his eyes closed. Before he could spot me awake I forced my eyes shut.

I heard the door slam and Kylo move in his leather chair, "Is he going to be ok?"

I heard someone sigh and then a lady spoke, "Yes Mr Ren, he'll be fine, just a scratch. Well not really but- anyway." oh so that's his last name, "Mr Hux is entitled to sue you for your actions."

I didn't even have to see it but I knew his eyes widened, "But I- why- I-"

"You pushed him aggressively causing him to be injured. Now unless the information you told me was a lie, he is able to sue you. He might not but, he could." I heard Kylo take a harsh breath in.

"I understand, I didn't mean to. It's just he landed on top of me and then started grabbing my hair and-" he was talking at a ridiculous pace that not many people would be able to follow. But wait can we go back? My hands in his hair? ON TOP OF HIM? I don't remember anything last night except the blood on the floor, whatever happened I don't remember and that scares me.

"I don't care about excuses, it's just what Mr Hux believes, ok? I'll leave you now, your welcome to stay but I can't imagine he'll be happy to see you."

Then Kylo mutters under his breath, "If he even remembers." The door slammed shut and I pretended to jolt awake. He looked up at me, "Your awake. You ok?" I refuse to speak to that, "I mean that fair to be honest, is your head okay though?"

I shrugged, it was painful. What had he done?

He breathed out in slight relief, "The blood goes with your hair." I gave him an unimpressed look, "Right too soon. Look, I'm sorry about last night, I- got nervous, so you remember anything from last night?" I shook my head, "Well you- fell on me then grabbed my hair..." as he continued talking, I stopped listening.

Memories came flooding back : his hair looks soft, me reaching out to touch it, his eyes, oh his ey-

No actually let's stop that right there. When he finished talking I turned around in my bed and tried to fall asleep again, "Really?" he asked in disbelief, "Say something at least!" Why is he the angry one? In the one in the fucking hospital bed!

"Where's my phone?" That made him even more pissed but god is it entertaining, he reached into his pocket and handed it to me, "Now get out!"

He obliged. I found a lot of missed calls from my Mum so I decided to ring her back, "Armie!" I told her not to call me that but whatever, I can't argue with my Mum. "Are you alright? You haven't called in over two days and that's so unlike you."
I smiled at the sound of her voice.

"Sorry Mum i'm just in hospital." I said a little too calmly, then I realised and spoke in a rush, "I'm not injured! Well I am but I only partially cracked my head open or something, I don't know I just woke up."

"What?! How did that happen." She asked. I love my Mum but she cares to much, I heard purring in the background, "Please shut up millie!"

"We'll basically it was my roommate-" before I could continue she cut my off.

"Your roommate?! I'm requesting you move rooms right now, I don't want you near a boy like that!" she sounded genuinely pissed.

"No, Mum it's fine. He didn't do it on purpose." I sighed. Why was I defending him?

"On purpose or not- You know what, it's you decision, but if you end up in another hospital bed you are coming straight home young man!"

"Yes Mum. Don't worry I'll be fine. Say hello to Millie for me. Love you, bye."

"Bye, have a good day." and with that she hung up.

The nurse came in holding a clipboard, "I knew you wouldn't be happy to see him." she said. I shook my head. "How much did you have to drink last night?"

I nearly choked on air, "What?" I asked in complete shock.

"Landing on top of him, grabbing his hair, you must of been pretty drunk. Also, you could do way better than him." this woman was like sixty and interfering with my love life.

"I don't think it's any of your business is it? It's also not very professional."

She shrugged her shoulders, "Honey, i've been doing this job for thirty years, I don't care and out professional anymore. Anyway, you have a very small concusion, you'll have a headache for the next couple of days so it's best to take these," she threw me a box of paracetamols that hit me right in the forehead, "oops, it's like a graze but you lost more blood than you usually would with a graze like that. But your free to go home." she  smiled sarcastically. "Oh and make sure you change your bandages every day, you can buy some at the pharmacy."

"Thanks." I got up a bit too quickly and had to steady myself.
I saw Kylo in the way out.

"Again sorry I-" but before he could continue I put my hand in-front of his face indicating for him to stop talking. And he received that message.

1151 words

Is it really a fan fiction i've wrote if someone doesn't get injured?

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