6: The BBQ

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The sun was already starting to set when you got home that evening around 7PM, after having spend a good hour at the convenience store around the corner of the bus stop, so lost in though about what the detective had offered you and about the whole day in general that you didn't even notice that no one was home until you had already put your stuff in your room and headed back down to the kitchen to see what's for dinner. It was then that you remembered the BBQ at your neighbors house that you had completely forgotten about due to the events if today and of course the rain this morning, you had so desperately hoped that it would be cancelled, that you didn't have to go to the house across the street but unfortunately for you luck wasn't on you side once again. With a sigh you contemplated whether you would go or not. Maybe the food had already run out anyway and there was none left for you, then it would be better just to eat some instant noodles right now and then maybe think about heading over after, so that no one could complain since you had at least shown your face. Right when you were about to grab a pan from the cabinet under the sink, you heard the doorbell ring telling you that someone was at your door.

With a sigh, you put the pan on the countertop before heading over to the front door wondering who might be there. As far as you knew, all the neighbors were on the other side of the street, enjoying the BBQ. Therefore it was quite surprising to you to see that it was the host of said BBQ who was standing on your doorstep with a friendly smile on your face, like he was happy to see you, like he had been waiting for you.

"I thought I saw you walking in the street earlier" He said with an all-knowing look in his eyes.
"We saved up some food for you, your mother said that you had a field trip today" he continued, already turning around to head back over to his house.

"wait, I'll grab my phone quickly" you said as you ran back into the kitchen, mentally cursing yourself for letting him see you get home.
"I assumed all the food would be gone by now" you laughed, unease apparent because you felt like he knew that you were trying not to go to the BBQ, you felt like you were caught even though the man showed you no sign of knowing what your plan was.

"No, I prepared plenty. We don't want anyone going home hungry" he laughed whole heartedly and it seemed to you like he meant it, at least this part. Through out the evening you were able to take note of how, just like you had already suspected, he treated you differently from all the other neighbors. Maybe it was because of your age or because of your similar interests, you didn't know but with your knowledge of psychology and the experience you had with patients, even though it was little, something told you that the way he acted towards you was the real him, even though it was a bit strange, maybe even creepy at times. Or at least, part of it was. The only times he was sincere, you thought, were the times he was interacting with you or with Jong Woo which was something you didn't know whether it that brought you comfort or not.
The fact that he was so good at pretending made you question what he was really like and the sincere parts of him that he had shown you, weren't enough to tell you whether he was trustworthy or not, there always being this underlying feeling in your gut that told you that something was off or even horribly wrong with him, yet you had no evidence or experience to back it up.

"Here, Moon Jo told me told give this to you" Jong Woo told you with a friendly smile, while he handed you a plate of grilled vegetables and some garlic bread, making you look at him confused.
"you're a vegetarian, right"

"yes, I am" you relied even more confused since you had never mentioned it to these men before looking at your mother who was laughing her heart out about something Moon Jo said to her, telling yourself that she must have told them.

"there are rice, fries, salads and more garlic bread on the table with the condiments and drinks. I have some vegetarian burgers on the grill for you right now and I can always put more vegetables and meat substitutes on for you" The writer told you and you noticed that even though he was still friendly, friendlier than he ever had been before, yet it seemed like he kept looking at someone in the corner of his eye. You noticed that maybe he was now being nicer to you than to your other neighbors, maybe because the two of you seemed to be the only people in their twenties.
"Oh and there are plenty of banchan in the fridge in the kitchen, vegetarian ones. Feel free to grab some if you want, I assume a BBQ can get plain when you don't eat meat." he continued while he headed back to the grill, continuing his sudden 'overly friendly' behavior which he was something that was persistent throughout the evening. Most people started to leave within an hour of your arrival and Jong Woo only started to act friendlier and friendlier. You thought it was strange to say the least, since he was almost treating you like a threat before, it was like he no longer perceived you to be one. It seemed as though he was now the one that wanted to get closer to you instead of the dentist, even though he had warned you not to get too close to them.

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