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Chapter 4

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The capital city of Athaine is a beautiful place. It is a lot older than Thuldon. Because of that, it almost looks as though it could be a different world. There are no great, metal and brick factories pumping out thick smoke. The buildings aren't stained with soot and the streets aren't lined with mud. This city is bright, and colourful, unlike the bleak darkness of home.

I stare out of the carriage window as the train approaches the city, Thelador. Mother and I haven't spoken a word about the "meeting" yesterday and for that, I'm relieved. Gone are the days of her lessons. She knows I don't need any more lectures, especially about remorse.

I am no longer her student.

Still, I can't get the image of her shooting Mr Hans out of my head. It's not like I haven't seen her kill before. I've seen her and my uncles do far worse and sometimes, I've joined in.

Something was different about that though. Perhaps it's because I know that soon, it may be me holding the gun and shooting someone down in cold blood.

I shiver, then jump as Mother shimmies the stiff window down, the sound knocking me from my thoughts. Cold air blasts into the cabin.

Father takes a deep breath. "Is this what clean air smells like?" he jokes.

"Boring," mother mutters, sitting down. I roll my eyes and continue to look out at the city.

It is a sea of grey, white, and cream buildings all interlocking together with brightly coloured red rooves. Intermixed with the buildings are great temples which are all sorts of ornate shapes with their domed or spired rooves and their stone walls covered in intricate carvings. Large patches of vibrant green from the parks and fields are perched sporadically throughout the city. Also woven into the busy mass are great bridges and archways that seemingly connect the city together.

There are two buildings that stand out the most in the capital. One is The Parliamentary building. It is huge and rectangular in shape. Made from red brick, it sits right in the middle of Thelador. It has multiple towers with spired rooves, archways, stain-glass windows, and even a huge clock that is surrounded by gleaming gold.

When I look at the second building, I can't help but smile. That is The Royal Military Academy. It sits a little separate from the city with a great, grey stone wall surrounding it. That doesn't stop it from being an imposing structure, towering over the city with its grey walls, domed rooves, intricate archways and bridges, all decorated with various flags. That has been my home since I was twelve and tomorrow, I walk through its grounds for the last time. That thought has the smile falling from my face and I force myself not to cry. Mother presses a hand to my shoulder and gives it a light squeeze but doesn't say anything.

The train comes to a stop, and we get off. Father looks around at the beautiful station with wonder in his eyes. The steam train whistles, the sound echoing around the large hall, making him jump. With another clashing outfit, he stands out against the posh city crowd. I can't help but giggle at the looks he gets from all the men and women in their smart dresses and fancy suits. A quick glare from my mother has them looking away.

"Where now?" he asks, grinning excitedly.

"To the Hotel," I say.

"Lead the way," mother instructs. It doesn't take me long to navigate to the hotel. From there, we settle down and then I show my parents the sights around the city.


The following morning, I am up before the sun has even risen. I give mother and father a kiss on the forehead.

"You have the tickets?" I ask.

"Yes," mother replies.

"Okay, I'll see you at midday."

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