two. of course

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two. of course
liam dunbar and theo raeken

   He doesn't remember when it happened, but he knows one thing: he's in love with Theo Raeken

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   He doesn't remember when it happened, but he knows one thing: he's in love with Theo Raeken. He knew that he was attracted to guys [but who wouldn't be if they got to see Brett Talbot shirtless in the locker room... and on the field... and maybe in his bed once or twice]. But he had fallen in love with Hayden. At least, he thought so. But when she offered to be bait for the ghost riders, he hadn't really fought her too much, even if they weren't 100% sure they'd be able to bring her back. But then Theo was there, throwing him in the elevator and saving him by offering himself up for bait, and Liam was screaming 'no' as the doors shut between himself and the slightly older chimera. The thought of losing Theo, of forgetting him, of his possible death was just too much for the young beta to handle.

    And after they defeated the Wild Hunt, after their town was safe, maybe he expected Theo to actually stick around. But, of course, the chimera took off and then Hayden moved away, effectively ending their relationship [or whatever was even left of it, honestly]. The realization that Scott and the rest of them would be leaving soon, too, hit him hard one day. The loneliness that he would feel sunk in, even though he knew he would still have Corey and Mason [at least, until he went to a different college than them, because of course they were going to the same college]. He just didn't have all of the people he wanted and of course Theo was one of them.

    Everyone had notice how sad the beta seemed to be, but no one commented on it, not even Lydia - who had wanted to smack the two boys upside the head, then make them kiss like they were her Barbie dolls from when she was younger. Even Malia, with her contempt and hatred for the chimera, was smart enough to keep her mouth shut on the matter. It was harder for Mason, and eventually Corey, not to say something. But they all knew that Liam wasn't completely accepting of his own feelings, knew that Liam wasn't ready to tell them that he cared deeply about Theo.

    And then, one night, they all ended up in the Sheriff's station and to his surprise, there was Theo Raeken. Sure, he wasn't in a jail cell, but he was getting released and suddenly anger flooded the beta's body because of course Theo was back in Beacon Hills, but hadn't even reached out to him. The anger in his eyes surprised the older chimera, making him take a step backwards in shock. But when Malia offered to kill him, Liam was the one to tell her no in the most offended tone that he could muster up, again surprising the chimera. And as the night went on, he was even more surprised when he got punched in the face by the blue eyed boy and then dragged to safety by the same boy.

   After that night, the pack wasn't all that surprised by the amount of time that the two spent together. Theo was always there to save Liam's ass, whether it be from hunters or from himself. They didn't talk about Theo leaving or Liam's feelings, instead just letting out their aggression with snide comments and fists flying into each other's faces. No one comments on the way their eyes linger on each other, the moments where they look to each other's lips for a moment before continuing with their little rant, the way they seem to gravitate to one another.

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