8 - N-Nee-chan?!

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No one's POV

We see Segami up in her room, playing some games in her room, as she's seeing how the new Npetunia games are going.

Segami: Hmmm... I would say that some are fine, but the 2D one isn't what I'd say is the best.

As she is about to start another game, she hears Eris's voice.

Eris: L-Lady Segami...?

Segami: What is it Eris? I'm a bit busy right now.

Eris: Well... I'll send you the forms.

As if on cue, a stack of papers, then flies up, and Segami looks at the paper and is shocked.

Segami: Wait.... isn't this...?

Segami then pulls up a screen, showing Y/n as a child, and sees his mom leaving to take a phone call. After a few seconds, a girl is seen walking into the room, and hugs the young Y/n, which he does respond to by hugging back.

Segami: Oh boy... Eris, bring her up to me. I think I might know why she's here, and I know exactly what to give her.


Location: Nearby village

We see Y/n, Kazuma, Mile, and Fran in a forest, collecting some herbs, as Y/n slowly wanted to get Fran into the adventurer lifestyle, and he needed the ingredients to create some more Nep Bull VII.

Y/n: Sorry for having you guys come out and help me with this.

Kazuma: No, it's fine! I was quite curious how you managed to pull it off anyways.

Mile: Yeah, I was quite surprised as well!

Y/n: I can't tell if they're lying or not.

Y/n: What about you Fran, are you-

Y/n then turns to Fran, and notices the bored expression on her face.

Y/n then turns to Fran, and notices the bored expression on her face

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Kazuma: He is Fran.

Kazuma: This is kinda boring, but I'm not going to say it out loud.

As the four continue collecting the plants needed, they hear swords clashing.

Mile: Hey... is anyone else hearing that...?

Kazume: Yeah. There's someone fighting.

Y/n: Okay, we can get the stuff later! Let's move

Fran: *happy tone* Yeah!

Y/n: Oh, so now you're happy?!

Fran and Y/n: Konosuba!

We see a village being overrun by goblins, and with some adventurers trying to fight back.

Konosuba: Everyday Misadventures (OP Neptunia Male Reader Spin-Off)Where stories live. Discover now