Chapter 3

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Ethan: I'll go find a place for us to stay.

Linus: Cassandra and I can try and look for a job.

Cass: I'll make sure to choose a good one.

Red: Go.

The group is seen sitting at a vacant table in the guild, making a plan. Linus and Cassandra stand and walk over to the quest board.

Ethan: Guess I'll get going then.

Red: Go ahead. I'll see what we can eat before we leave or on the way.

Ethan: Got it.

???: Have room for one more,

The two look to see a cloaked individual. Ethan leans to Red.

Ethan: whispers Did you expect anyone to try and join?

Red: whispers Usually happens when someone either wants fame or experience but no, I didn't. Especially not this quickly.

???: I would like to join your group.

Red: And why is that?

???: You did promise to let me join you whenever you go anywhere in the kingdom but you broke that promise when you decided to go anywhere around the world.

Red: That sounds familiar but I definitely don't remember making that kind of promise before.

The individual removes their hood to show a red maine.

Red: Tessa?

Tessa: In the flesh and fur.

Red: The hell are you doing here?

Tessa: I'm here to join you and your group. That's why I'm here.

Red: You shouldn't even be here. What if something were to happen to you?

Tessa: All we'd need is a cleric.

Red: A what?

Tessa: A cleric. Someone who specializes in healing and whatnot?

He blinks at her as she gives him an "I'm waiting" expression.

Red: For fu- look, you need to go back home. If your father or mother find out that you left, they'll just blame us for "kidnapping" you.

Tessa: Even if they did, I still wouldn't go back.

He grumbles a bit as he places a hand on his helmet.

Red: Whatever. Do whatever you want.

Tessa smiles then does a small celebration dance as Red just sighs in annoyance.

Tessa: Yes, yes, yes!

Red: Shut up and go register please?

Tessa: Oh, right.

She runs over to the registration area as Red groans in annoyance and waits.


A groan is heard and a resident of the village walks into a room. They look over at the new mysterious person and see them waking up. Even though their helmet is still on, the groan makes it obvious that they're waking up. The resident leaves and calls for a cleric. The armored individual slowly sits up then looks around.

???: Where am I?

A cleric runs in and goes next to the bed.

Cleric: Hello, mister knight.

???: Where am I? Who- what are you?

Cleric: Well, I'm a cleric. I help take care of this town. Who might you be?


Logan: My name is Logan. I need to get moving.

He goes to move but he starts to feel a lot of pain in his body. He groans in pain, making the cleric lay him back down.

Cleric: You need to rest. In fact. Why don't you remove your armor?

Logan: Sorry, Doc but that's not gonna happen.

Cleric: "Doc?"

Logan: Nevermind. I can't remove the armor cause I don't know what will happen the moment I do.

Cleric: I see.

The cleric goes to say something but then an explosion happens outside. The two look to the window to see explosions occur around the building.

Logan: Crud. I need to get up.

Cleric: But you can't! You'll end up injuring yourself more.

Logan: Don't care.

He forces himself to get up and his left forearm begins to glow.

Logan: Daylight.

A large sword appears in his hand, surprising the cleric.

A large sword appears in his hand, surprising the cleric

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He starts limping out of the building. Once out, he sees more explosions as many furries run in fear. The adventurers from before are seen trying to fight off a group of what seem to be bandits. The leader of them laughs as he gestures to the village.

Bandit leader: Destroy the village and take whatever you can find.

Logan: Hey!

The leader looks over to see Logan limping towards him then laughs again.

Bandit leader: Well, I'll be. Someone else decided to face us, huh? And you're not even an adventurer. Might as well run away, friend. Just like the rest of the village.

Logan: Focus on healing. Fight with your strength.

He lets out a breath then starts to emit a small light. He then stands up and continues walking with his sword in one hand.

Bandit leader: Oh? You sure you wanna fight me? Instead of running away?

Logan: You're destroying the home of innocent people and want to steal whatever you want. I'll make sure you suffer.

He holds his other hand out and out comes a smaller weapon.

He holds his other hand out and out comes a smaller weapon

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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