(S2) Comeback

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People.. British Boy-Friend will go into 2 or 3 seasons. This came to mind because I realized I didn't track how many chapters I'd really be making. So i decided that I'd put this book into seasons.. at first, nothing was planned but the plot.. I have to be honest. I decided Season 1 will be 25 chapters.. this is technically the first chapter of season 2 and if I can I will make make side chapters.. they'll be shorter than regular chapters so hold on for the future and don't worry, we'll know who blonde girl is

New things to notice:

-deadlines will be longer.

-Chapters will either be short or long. Depending on what free time I got.

-S2 will have new characters/ytber

-more lovey-dovey.. maybe

Character Development:

Jelly (Jelle Van Vutch)

Loves: Gaming, making fun of Crainer, Josh

Hates: people who state the obvious, losing games easily (DNFing), Josh

Josh T.

Loves: His nickname originally from Jelly, Jelly specifically, his sister.

Hates: Smiling in photos, being pushed, seeing Jelly smile at somebody else. His forced job.

Crainer (Benjamin Vestergård)

Loves: Stating the obvious, slamming doors, screaming, his old best friend.

Hates: been insulted or wronged.

Jordi Bussche

Loves: Helping Jelly, minding is own business, sharing his ideas.

Hates: specifically.. nothing

Amelia T.

Loves: insulting Crainer, New York, her big brother.

Hates: her forced job, seeing her brother miserable.



Blonde girl (?)

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This is a sudden change but I wanted to story to be more understandable so....


╮(• - •)╭

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Joshs POV:

"Weird... "

"What's weird..?"

"I wasn't sentenced to a duty"

... After being here for a quarter of a month.. it's gotten below zero. It's already the middle of November...and it hasn't gotten any more tiring than it is now.. it's snowy, cold and eveything around us is just as depressed as it was before. . . I might even find my self covered in snow like those apartment buildings..

" something i did heard was that since me and you are the kids of the chief.. we'll be getting "secret duties" "

".. you need to focus more on your vocab.. "secret duties"..?"

"Damn i don't know. Anyways.. it makes sense when you think about it.. I've been gone for 8 months... you, 8 years.."


𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐎𝐘-𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 - A Jelloman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now