Scarlette POV
Everyone seems to have someone to be with at school. Yeah there are some social floaters but almost no one is alone like me. Not once in my high school years has someone sat with me for lunch or stopped to chat about the weekend in the hallway. I mean when you get labelled as a kid whose parents abandoned her, people tend to think something is extremely wrong with you. The only time I seem to get noticed is by hollow people that are bullies or teachers that want to discuss classes with me. No matter what happens in movies and shows, real life is nothing like what they depict.
I used to have my best friend in the world Larsen Urbanks, she and I were inseparable. Her cousin Johnny was friends with Aaron when we were little so when they hung out they decided why not introduce the two of us. She gave me her sparkly blue butterfly hair clip and told me we would be best friends forever; but life changed us and butterflies eventually die. She wanted the boys and popularity, meanwhile I wanted to be normal and read, I guess you could say I wasn't ready to grow up yet. When I told her about my diagnosis she screamed in my face and told me to get out of her house because she didn't want what I have. Our relationship was already on the rocks but that pushed her over, just like my parents. So ever since that day she gives me dirty looks and treats me like the scum on her shoes.
I stand at my locker observing the social life of the school around me: the mathletes discussing the upcoming competition, the football boys raving about their win the night before, the girly girls gossiping, the average kids just trying to get through the day and in the middle of it all – the cool rich kids.
The Richardson-Casablanco brothers: Logan, Lucas and the biggest player and most popular boy in school, Gino. They always look so effortlessly happy and carefree standing together. I don't typically question their antics but today I am, honestly it just seems wrong. Why would they want to throw skittles at the girls who walk past them, shouting out numbers that assume it is how hot they are, 1 being bad 10 being good. All I can say is thank the lord they haven't done that to me.
Gino is the ringleader of it all, the person every guy wants to be and the one the girls want to date. Let's be honest for a second, he is really hot. Like he is a very very close second to Ryan Reynolds. His ivory skin highlights his blue green eyes that I swear can melt your soul with one look. His brown hair is always windswept but still manageable. I have no idea how his jawline was so sharp but damn. He is a god, like Hercules but realistic. He's got loads of admirers and plenty of friends, but let's not forget a big reason for his popularity, his money. He is as rich as Mr. Scrooge McDuck in Ducktales hell, maybe even more rich. His mom remarried after his dad died giving him two stepbrothers, Logan and Lucas, as well as a shitload of money. Although he seems popular he really only hangs with his brothers which is kind of sad. Wouldn't he want to hang out with actual friends that he doesn't live with? Ugh, god I can't believe I'm feeling sorry for him like this. He is just a player, it is like every damn girl has slept with him or so I have heard, but I am out of the loop most times.
"What are you doing in front of MY locker?" Larsen shrieks from behind me. Stepping into my view her flaming red locks hung in straight lines framing her delicate face. Her ice blue eyes sending daggers my way whilst she wears a fake smile. The shimmering top and black leggings she wore hugged her in every way that she intended, she makes the rest of us look bad.
"Nothing, " I sigh as I move away.
"Good, I don't need your weird medical disease and unloved child cooties infecting my area. It's bad enough you exist, your parents certainly thought so," she scoffs at me. She turns away as I roll my eyes only for her three mean girl inspired minions... sorry I mean friends to call her away to the bathrooms, probably makeup check or some girly thing. Ugh, that girl tempts me to go off the rails like crazy. She makes me want to cry until my eyes dry then smack her head off a wall. I have gotten better with my disorder and controlling it by channeling it into a quiet place in my mind. It makes me seem more alone but it's better than being drugged up 24/7.
I don't think Larsen understands what I have. She acts like it makes me different and that it changes me for the worse. Maybe she is just scared of it and projects that fear of it onto me; but here is a little secret I am scared of it too. I never know when my mood will change, I never know when I will go into days of being depressed or when I will feel like I am having the time of my life; I can't predict anything about myself and that terrifies me.
I turn back into my locker to retrieve my books for my next class glancing at myself in my magnetic mirror that sticks to the inside of my locker. My bland, lifeless honey blonde hair frames my face and my blue grey eyes stare back at me emotionless. I apply a quick layer of lip chap to my lips making their plumpness more noticeable. I sigh briefly noting the lack of effort I put into my appearance before shutting the locker door and heading to class
Author's Note:
Hey! So I have decided Thursday's will be my posting day, but keep in mind I said I will try my best to post. Life is crazy and things don't always go as planned but I can be convinced to post more often if that is what you guys want. Fun Fact time!
Fun Fact: the fear of running out of something to read is called Abibliophobia.
I may or may not have this fear lol. Be prepared because you will get to see the POV of Gino next week! Gino is based a fair bit off someone I used to be friends with so I enjoy writing his POV's and scenes with him. Please check out my social media, it is linked on my page!
- The Moose In Your Pocket

Naked In The Walmart Bathroom
Teen FictionFinding herself naked in Walmart's bathroom with the schools heart throb was the least of Scarlette's expectations. After being forced to get a new job at Walmart, Scarlette's simple life flips upside down as she's hooked into a series of dares, th...