Don't Look Back.

19 2 0

[Meanwhile in level 3. Vernon and Mr Harley doesn't seem eye to eye. Which was as expected due to the fact that no one in the group can trust Mr Harley. Watson.. Only a little since he seemed to warm up a bit as tales go.. The past was the past... Vernon on the other hand still had to rub his neck after feeling the same effect from Harley literally choking him to death a few days back..]

774: "Grow up boys. We all wanted to get out of here alive.. And if it wasn't for your squirming then we could have achieve more pathways than before.. Its no point to just. Sit back and argue it all out. Your gonna put our lives in danger-"

349: "And eventually the entities will surround us and gobble all of us up into their grinding stomach of doom!-"

774: "Excuse me. But can't you see my mouth still moving. That means I'm still talking!"

349: "I did. But I didn't care."

774: "UGHHHHH"

341: "But no, Stretchy is right...... For once..."

969: "While you guys were busy glaring at each others inner sockets. Me and the others had found something... Interesting."

[969 lead the group to a small section of the unfamiliar pattern of each hallways. He pointed at a light where small deathmoths were guarding. Small lights are their power source.]

969:" You see that. Those are male deathmoths. Harmless and easy to tame."

102: "... Wow... Is that it... You lead us here just so we can look at sweaters eating monstrosity... Fabulous."

655: "Hold on.. Didn't you say that they were small.. If so... How bigger are the female ones-"

836: "Oh sweet jesus..."

333: ".... What are you implying 969?"

969: "What I'm trying to say is... If we can tame one of them.. That they can lead us to where we needed to go!"

8760: "HECK YEAH!! all united!! All as one!'

2149:" I don't quite agree but... I guess we can give it a try..."

349:" And how you you comply that we can get one of them to corporate with us?"

969: "Heh.. Unlike you all.. I manage to find myself a flashlight.. And moths like such little light.."

Everyones mind: "This guy has gone mad....."

[The group was in turmoil. But 969 knew his plan was going in action as he suspected. He flash the light into one of them, luring it away from its group. He was gentle enough to pet his head a bit, stroking the sides and the undercollar.]

969:" That's a good guy..."

774: "Uhh.. I don't want to Uhh... Befuddle you guys but... WE GOT A GROUP OF ENTITIES COMING OUR WAY!!"

221: "HUH??? But... How?! You said that the entities levels are medium!"

349: "No I bloody didn't!!"

Vernon: "What tpye of entities?!"

774: "Uhmm.. Uhmm.. By my calculations it seems that there's Hounds, Facelings, Skin-sealers. And.. Smilers... OH and some other entities that I never heard of but their crawling on all fours so.."

Watson: "Crap.. And it doesn't help since we're in a dark room with only one fluorescent light here!!"

[Just as things were getting worse.. Koto looked down.. She felt something.. Odd about herself...]

2149: "Guys..... My tummy feels weird..."

[Koto looked zoned out, she could barely stand up straight. 8760 looked down, pulling up her sleeves to reveal something bizarre. A sign of a comparable poison ivy rash was appearing on her arms. It was irrational for her to start itching on it aggressively. This panicked the fish boy, and possibly the others. This made the little girl go into a hyperventilation attack in seconds.]


2149: "Guys... What's happening to me...."

[341 took a closer look at her... Since he had quite a normal memory out of all of them. He compared the rashes and manifestation than the symptoms Bobby had... He looked at Vernon. Shaking his head that the symptoms was different.. Koto had caught a different type of cycle... Entity 19 is what Bobby had.. But Koto had caught Entity 15.]

[A different yet agonising way to succumb to transformation.. Entity 15 goes by the term "Wretches" Its what happens when the main subject is lacking of Hunger, Thirst and sleep.. When That happens it would quickly process the cycle... Turning those into a wretches... And in the end.. Their human consciousness will soon disappear... It would be impossible to find a cure that can prevent the completion..]


2149: "H.. Huh??!!"

341: "Stop! Your scaring her!!"

349: "Should she be isolated from us so we wouldn't have caught it aswell?"

Vernon: "No.. That won't do a thing Victor.. That could only speed it up... She needs food. Water. Sleep.. Anything!!"

102: "Exactly. And 969. Don't you still have that almond water??"

969: "I do but.. I don't think it will be enough."

8760: "We gotta think of another way!! There must be!"

[Luckily. They would find enough information as follows. A small yet fully charge laptop was turned on alone in a small room by one of the machineries. Vernon immediately hopped on while shoving Mr Harley out of the way which causes him to get his suit all stained up.]

Mr Harley: "What the fuck was that for???"

Vernon: "For being lazy. There. Cry about it!"

[He hurriedly typed in the recent level that they were on. Checking the WiFi that if it was secured enough for them to access the main website. Electrical stations he clicked on, scrolling down to the entities to see which ones could be responsible for the illness that Koto was suffering from. Watson and Mr Harley stood by. While some ceis scanned around incase of any entities crawling by with the thirst for consuming.]

Watson: "Found anything Watson?"

Vernon: "Watson?"


Vernon: "Well go to sleep then or ill rip your scalp off like I promise to last time!"

[He searched through. From smilers. To Clumps. But none of their info's could match the same symptoms and processions.. Not all of them.. Besides Entity 15. They immediately check the section of it that has a cure for it. Thankfully.. There is some.. But none of which can actually cure.. Just delay it for a while.. The process for the transformation could end in 7 weeks.. Or months.. Even so... Koto wasn't enjoying it at all.]

Vernon: "OK 102. You and I were right.. She do need almond water. But not just that........ Royal Rations???"

456 sign language: "What the fuck is a Royal Ration???"

969: "Types of food I believe..... But.. It does say that its unobtainable... Only from those who are connected with secretive groups."

774: "Great. So finding some small rations are classified as difficult.."

969: "It seems..."

8760: "Secretive groups.. Do they mean the group from the  communities... Or... Something way bigger..."

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