Sam and Dean had come to me at the house for help, because both angels and demons were after them and the girl that they were trying to help, Anna. Castiel and his partner Uriel included.
Anna was a girl that didn't remember who she was, but she obviously knew something that she didn't even know, if that made since. She could hear angels talking on this wavelength type thing. That's how she knew most of the things that she knew, but we still didn't know most of the things that she knew.
And Ruby, the demon, who I had thought to be dead, was alive, in another girl's body, a brunette. She was helping Sam, Dean and Anna.
Anna was sitting in a chair in the panic room.
"Iron walls drenched in salt," I told her. "Demons can't even touch the joint."
Ruby was waiting outside the open door. "Which I find racist, by the way."
"Write your congressman," I told her.
Ruby tossed me a few little baggies. "Here."
"Hex bags?" I asked.
"Extra-crunchy," Ruby told me. "They'll hide us from angels, demons, all corners."
"Thanks, Ruby," I told her. I looked at Anna, handing one bag to her. "Don't lose this. So, Anna, what's playing on angel radio? Anything useful?"
"It's quiet," Anna answered. "Dead silence."
"Good," I said sarcastically. "That's not troubling at all."
"We're in trouble, huh?" Anna asked. "You guys are scared?"
I shook my head. "Nah."
"Hey, Ness!" Dean called from upstairs.
"Just stay here, okay?" I asked. Anna nodded. I looked at Ruby. "Keep an eye on her."
I walked out, upstairs.
"Where's your dad?" Dean asked.
"Uh, the Dominican," I answered.
"He's working a job?" Sam asked.
"God, please tell me he's working a job," Dean told me. "Otherwise, he's at hedonism in a banana hammock and a trucker cap."
I closed my eyes. "Now that's seared into my brain." Dean smirked. I shook my head. "All right, what did you find on Anna?"
"Uh, not much," Sam answered. "Her parents were, uh, Rich and Amy Milton. A church deacon and a housewife."
"Riveting," I told them sarcastically.
Sam chuckled. "Yeah. But there is something here in the report. Turns out this latest psych episode wasn't her first."
"No?" I asked.
"When she was 2 and a half, she'd get hysterical any time her dad got close," Sam explained. "She was convinced that he wasn't her real daddy."
"Who was?" Dean asked. "The plumber, hmm? A little snaking the pipes?"
"Dude, you're confusing reality with porn again," Sam told him. "Look, Anna didn't say. She just kept repeating that this real father of hers was mad. Very mad. Like wanted-to-kill-her mad."
"Kind of heavy for a 2 year old," I told them.
"Well, she saw a kid's shrink, got better, and grew up normal," Sam told us.
"Until now," Dean told us. "So, what's she hiding?"
"Why don't you just ask me to my face?" Anna asked.
We turned to see Anna and Ruby.
I looked at Ruby sarcastically. "Nice job watching her."
"I'm watching her," Ruby told us.
"No, you're right, Anna," Sam told her. "Is there anything you want to tell us?"
"About what?" Anna asked.
"The angels said you were guilty of something," Sam told her. "Why would they say that?"
"You tell me," Anna told us. "Tell my why my life has been leveled. Why my parents are dead. I don't know. I swear. I would give anything to know."
"Okay," I told them. "Then let's find out."
"How?" Anna asked.
I looked at Sam and Dean, smirking a little.
I led Pamela down the stairs into the basement. "We're here!"
They walked closer.
"Pamela, hey," Sam told her.
"Sam?" Pamela asked.
"It's me," Sam answered. "It's Sam."
"Sam?" Pamela asked.
"Yeah," Sam answered.
"Sam, is that you?" Pamela asked.
"I'm right here," Sam told her.
"Oh," Pamela said. "Know how I can tell?" She grabbed Sam's ass. "That perky little ass of yours. You could bounce a nickel off that thing. Of course I know it's you, grumpy. Sam way I know that's Dean, that's a demon, and that poor girl's Anna and that you've been eyeing my rack."
"Uh..." Sam trailed off awkwardly. "Uh... Uh..."
"Don't sweat it, kiddo," Pamela told him. "I still got more senses than most."
"Got it," Sam told her.
Dean looked at Sam in amusement.
Pamela walked past us. "Hey, Anna. How are you? I'm Pamela."
"Hi," Anna told her.
"Ness told me what's been going on," Pamela told her. "I'm excited to help."
"Oh," Anna said. "That's nice of you."
"Oh, well, not really," Pamela told her. "Any chance I can dick over an angel, I'm taking it."
"Why?" Anna asked.
"They stole something from me," Pamela answered, taking off her sunglasses, revealing white eyes. "Demon-y, I know. But they're just plastic. Good for business. Makes me look extra-psychic, don't you think?" She laughed. "Now... how about you tell me what your deal is? Hmm? Don't you worry."
We sat in the panic room.
Anna was lying down on the cot.
Pamela sat next to her. "Nice and relaxed. Now, I'm going to count down from five to zero. When we're at zero, you'll be in a deep state of hypnosis. As I count down, just go deeper and deeper, okay? Five, four, three, two, one. Deep sleep. Deep sleep. Every muscle calm and relaxed. Can you hear me?"
"I can hear you," Anna answered.
"Now, Anna, tell me," Pamela told her. "How can you hear the angels? How did you work that spell?"