As the sun began to set T and Z both find themselves in the infirmary. " You remember anything from yesterday?" T asks rubbing his eyes.
"Other then smoking and going out to loo- Ohhhhh I see what happened... we went out to lookout point 23 and got overrun by cultists." Z replies and he sinks further into the makeshift gurney. "How did they even find us?" T asks. Fae walks into the infirmary tent."You two blew up a gas station." Fae says as she puts down a tray with painkillers and water for T. T and Z looked surprised, "Htf did-" Z asks before being cut off my T's partner Vixen. "You two smartasses were going on about grand theft auto when you left so I'm guessing you were up to some shenanigans out there."
"How much you willing to bet we were trying to do cheats."Z jokes, T looks over and starts to giggle but is shut down by his partners cold gaze. "Tough crowd." Z jokes, managing to hit Fae's last nerve and she jumps on his bed trying to strangle him for being stupid. " C-come o-on, i-i-it waaas f-u-nnyyy." Z says in the process of being strangled. "Fae we need him alive." says Vixen. She stops just as he turns red in the eyes, gets off and leaves the tent.
"So- *cough* what ended up happening?... still kinda foggy." Z asks rubbing his throat as he sit up.
"You two fuckwits got high on some makeshift moon rock, told me you were going to point 23 for lookout duty. Then proceeded to take —and dont worry I wrote it down— a dirt bike, a speed built longboard, a bat, a kilo of black powder, two beers, three metres of wool and 3 three bags of chips... you were then seen leaving, almost crashing into the front gate as you left." Vixen glared at them both. T looked away and Z looked unfazed due to his memory coming back half way through her explaining. "Hehe... yeah we did go p23 but got distracted on the way there. We found a store that wasn't looted and we had the munchies soooo..." Vixen throws a knife that nicks Z ear and pierces through the tent. "OWW!" Z shouts grabbing his ears feeling a large slit, he covers it with his finger holding the slit closed turns his head to her and pulls his finger along the cut. "Kidding." He reveals it healed almost instantly leaving a fully head scar.
"Remember anything yet T?" Z asks. T wraps his arm around Vixens waist and ponders and he pulls her closer from the stool he's sitting on. "Yeah we stopped to loot, hid the bike in a dumpster, cleared the place tripping balls. Was kinda dark and we found Monster, and you were raving about finding wasabi nuts." He laughed. "Fuck off, i just like wasabi nuts." Z defends, " Yeah ,you like them nuts in yo mouth." Vixen joke. "Die." Z remarks standing up and leaving tent getting an instant migrain from the sun. "How long was i out?" He asks shading his eyes from the sun. "Two days." Vixen says following him out. "TWO!?-*cough*", he shouts before cut off by a cough.
Z runs to the weapons storage, apartment 16 second floor, checking in with the front deck asking if they have his bow. They hand him a logbook listing weapons that were checked out. "HIS IS STILL HERE, i have the money to pay off my debt." He drops a pouch with tokens he'd been collecting. "You gonna be late on you next payment?" The trader remarks. "Never again. Thank you for the hospitality." Z says has the trader hand him a compound bow. "Wait you modded it for me?" Z asks. "Ofcourse, insures youll stay one of my happy customers. 90 pound draw weight, average range is about 128m and here." The trader hands z an extra bow string with a magnet woven into the middle of the strong. "No. Way. YOU ACTUALLY DID IT?" Z exclaims excitedly. Just then T walks in, "What you on about?" He asks. The trader puts a pouch on the front desk. The rattle of ball barrings inside light up but their faces. Z turns to the trader dropping two more tokens for 8 arrows. He puts his bow on his back locking it into a holster attached to his armor. "Has the horde on the main rd been taken care of yet?" Z asks the trader.
The trade grabs a radio calling through to lookout points near the horde. A rough voice covered but static says. "The horde is nearing the library settlment, they might need support."
"Then its decided. Get Fae and Hiyori we're clearing out a horde." Z states letting a violent grin invelop is face changing his dimeaner from an excited idiot to what he was rumored to be, one of the Crimson Children. He grabs the pouch and ties it to his waist, as the trader brings him his quiver with the 8 arrows they he clips on next to the pouch. He walk over to the wall and signs his signiture in the log book for longboards as T leaves to get Fae and Hiyori ready.
Z walk over to his pride and joy. A longboard he's personally been modifying, equiped weight high speed barrings, spring suspention, off road wheels and a strap that holds his front foot in place. All put together to make a monster of a long board. He grabs it and runs to the down stair markets, the area where traders from other settlements setup shop.
"Two spirits', two rags and a lighter." Z asks. "2 gold 5 bronze." The trader fires back to which z responds," 1 gold 2 sliver and a piece of biltong?" The clasp hands. "Deal." In unison, he pays and heads to the front gate where the group stand waiting with their vehicles. Fae longboard, hiyori Quadbike, T dirt bike.
They start their engines and open the gate as z start running picking up pace rapidly and launches passed as he throws his board down landing on it, leading the group out. Hiyori pulls up next to him and he hold onto the back as they rushed to the library settlent, Fae and T following suite.
T radios ahead to Hiyori that has two radios strapped to the quad, one near his handle bares and one near where Z's holding on. "Z is we're getting close to so set up." Z looks back signing for them to go ahead and set up. They split off and head to a nearby settlement to warn them of horde activity and the chance they might head that direction. Hiyori and Z speed up nearing the horde, Z lets go leaning forward keeping steady and he block and goes plowing through the horde to the front gate the the library settlement. He send two zombies flying before jumping up with the board slamming the bottom of it into an infecteds head splattering its brains agains a wall. In that moment Hiyori sees why they call Z reckless, time slowed as the adreniline started flowing. Z still against the wall from the momentum he had slammed into the wall, he jumps off grabbing the leg of the deader infected picking it up using it as a shield to block from in coming spitter slugs.
Hiyori notices and ride in to snatch him up, riding over decaying corpses that spin him out forcing him at Z backwards. Seeing Hiyori on his was for impact he dismounts his board picking it up and his lands on the back of the quad. "Nice save!" Z shouts as Hiyori correcta their direction leading the horde down the road away from the settlement and toward the river. Just then T radios in," Yooooo trap is set!" Hiyori looks to Z,"You good?" He asks. "Ofcourse." He responds drawing his bow as they speed up. Z faces backwards firing off 2 arrows, the first dropping 3 infect and the other injuring a spitter. "HOLY SHIT THE PIERCING POWER ON THIS SHIT IS INSANE!" Z exclaims. "Im gonna enjoy this." He says looking at the bow before hulstering it.
*Meanwhile with Fae and T*
Set up a car bomb trap should take out the horde according to Fae. 5 cars rigged to explode as the horde passes it. "Is this safe?" T questions. "Considering the horde will have to be right to it, and the fact that its a manual trigger, probably not... but Z will be fine." She says calmly as she stands up and starts covering the cars in fuel that she got from the settlement they warned. "Radio in to Z and tell him he need to use a molotov to trigger it, tell him to aim for the wet looking part of the road." She says half joking and throw the fuel canister under one of the cars. The rest of the fuel still inside now pooling of the tar road.
"Hey Z you there?" T radios. "Hey bud trap is ready, use a moly to trigger it. Aim for the car with a pool of liquid under it. You'll see us and know which car it is." He says. Hiyori responds,"On our way! Z GET THE MOLLIES READY!" The radio cuts off and they appear from behind a corner molotovs lit. T points over at the cars they pushed together form a line. Hiyori B-lines for the trap as Z holds two lit cocktails,arms spread wide as bolters, spitters and roamers followed them. As the horde reached the cars Z crossed his arms tossing the molotovs, them breaking covering the horde in flame. Flame that soon reached the fuel starting a larger fire and leading the holes that Fae made in all the fuel tanks of the cars. What followed was surreal... an explosion that flung body parts, rained blood and erased 3/4ths of the horde. "CLEAN UP TIME BOYS! NO LIMITS FAE!" Z shouts as Faes face lights up with excitement. "Time to fuck shit up."

Crimson Children of the Apocalypse
Mystery / ThrillerA last of us like apocalypse with a bit of spice with custom infected and new added mutations.