Stalker and Twin siblings problems (To kill A Mocking girl)

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Adam rolled his eyes as he was wearing his basketball jersey tight of the cold weather today at the woods

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Adam rolled his eyes as he was wearing his basketball jersey tight of the cold weather today at the woods.

As of now, Aria, Hanna, Spencer, Emily, and Adam are walking through the woods after Adam tells Hanna about A and how A text him from the day before.

"Well, couldn't we do something without mosquitoes?" Hanna asked, which makes Adam look down to see that Hanna is wearing high heels.

Adam gives Hanna a look at the high heels, why Hanna is wearing high heels while walking through the woods?

Aria turned to Hanna, "They're mosquitoes. They're gnats!"

"Whatever, They're small, annoying, and They're flying up my nose." Hanna said to Aria, annoyed.

"Okay, whose idea was this?, because I don't feel if there is a serial killer in this woods." Adam asked the girls as he felt his foots about to get hurt from walking for hours.

"Adam, you will be fine." Spencer said to Adam.

"Those bugs will bit me!" Adam yelled at Spencer.

Spencer Rolls her eyes as Hanna continues, "So what?, that both Adam and I are attract to flies?"

"Gnats." Aria corrected Hanna.

"Why do I feel like this is a wrong way?" Emily, question.

"No, this is it. I remember that tree. It's the halfway point. There's 136 steps left to the shed." Spencer answered to Emily.

Adam continues to walk as Hanna asks him, "So, have you been out here with Spencer....since Alison?"

Adam turned to face Hanna as he was surprised when she mentioned Alison, "No... No, but we...dated before she was gone."

Hanna froze and bit and decided to take Adam at the other side of the woods

Adam is confused about why Hanna is taking him somewhere, and he asks, "What the hell, Han?"

"You...dated Ali?" Hanna asked

Adam nervously nodded as Hanna was shocked that her twin brother date Alison. Adam is upset that his and Alison secret relationship is out, but only to Hanna and not the other girls

"How long have you two date?" Hanna asked Adam.

"On Halloween of 2008." Adam said to Hanna.

Adam knew that Alison likes Adam of either his nice personality or when he is wearing his Jim Halpert costume.

Hanna signed as she turned to brother and said, "Adam, you and Alison start a relationship on -"

But Hanna was cut off by her phone and saw a text from 'A':
  From 🅰️ :

   "Head's up, BFF'S, it's open season on liars, and I'm hunting." - A


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