Joe: (smiling) hey YouTube it's me, Joe and we're BACK! With another reaction!
He said as he sat on his brown leather chair with his dog: trooper dog as his dog sat on her own bed by the leather chair, with his laptop on the stand with his ear buds plugged in as he looked at the camera before pointing it while saying.
Joe: and today we are reacting to, SABATON! One of my favorite heavy metal bands. Oh and just a reminder this is going to be the first song I ever played on my channel besides showing pictures of it on my twitter account. And my favorite songs from sabaton are: Bismarck, steel commanders, and you are in the army now. And I've been browsing on YouTube and I found quite an interesting song, and todays sabaton music video reaction is called: lion of the north. Sounds pretty interesting know what I'm saying? Well anyway let's react to it shall we?
He leans forward a bit to press the start button until he got it as it played an Add while, Joe sat back and relaxed before the music video started playing as, Joe listened closely...
The song ended as, Joe looked impressed before he said while slowly taking his ear pods out.
Joe: well...that was...interesting to say the least. Although it may not be in English it's completely Badass! I really got to admit this was probably a good-no-Great! Song I ever heard I mean the beat and the scene of this video it's just...(laughs a bit) 20% awesome, really. Well! That's it for todays video, I know who you are and you know who am I. Bye-bye!
He turns the camera off as, trooper Dog gets up with her tail wagging while smiling as, Joe said to her.
Joe: you wanna take a walk, girl?
Trooper dog: (barks excitedly while jumping)
Joe: whoa! Whoa! Okay, okay, We'll take a walk.
He grabbed the leash before connecting it to his dog's collar before walking out to the front door and walking out of his house with trooper dog in tow as he locked his front door before walking onto the streets of his neighborhood as he passed 2 joggers and some cars who are heading to their family home or delivering food to them.
Joe: you ever feel like your life should be something more interesting, trooper dog?
Trooper dog: (pants in reply)
Joe: yeah, I am 'kinda' tired of being a YouTuber. I mean-yeah I am thinking about joining the military soon but I STILL got time you know that?
Trooper dog: (barks in reply)
Joe: thanks, trooper.
Trooper dog: (barks)
Joe: (laughs a little)
They continued walking down the street until they felt a strong gust of wind them as, Joe looked up to see the clouds dark before he thought to himself.
Joe's mind: "I didn't know it was supposed to storm, the weather says that it'll be cloudy not stormy."
Joe: (to trooper dog) c'mon, girl. Let's go home.
Trooper dog: (whimpers)
Joe: aww, I know, girl. But maybe next time, girl. Maybe next time.
They then started to headed back home but once they were nearly there, another strong gust of wind hit, Joe and trooper dog as they suddenly stopped as the wind got stronger and stronger.
Joe: what the?
Trooper dog: (turns around and starts barking)
Joe: whoa whoa whoa what's wrong, gir?!
Trooper dog: (continues to bark)
Joe: what? What is it?!
He then turns around as he suddenly widened his eyes to see a tornado!
Joe: oh dear god...
He then starts running letting go of the leash as the 2 until the tornado suddenly and QUICKLY got up to them before it was able to suck them in, leaving Joe screaming in fear as Trooper dog was doing the same, only barking in panic.
Joe: (girly voice) WHAT IS GOING OOOON?!?
Trooper Dog: (barks frantically)
Then after what felt like a moment or so. The 2 blacked out.
???: (barks)
Joe: (groans)
He slowly opened his eyes to see, trooper dog looking at him as she licked her face before he made stop as he got up on his feet until he looked around to see trees and bushes with the sky clear and sunny. And not to mention the texture looked a little different as, Joe looked around him a bit more.
Joe: what the? Where are we?
Trooper dog: (whimpers)
Joe: (pets his dog head) shh-shh, it's okay girl. I don't know where we are either. But I am still wondering though.
Trooper dog: (barks)
Joe: whoa whoa, what is it girl?
Trooper dog, then starts to run to and out of the bushes and rushing pass by trees one by one as, Joe chased after her.
Joe: trooper dog, stop!!
Joe, finally manages to catch up to his dog as trooper dog continued barking before he made her stop until he looked up as his eyes widened to see...the gates of Canterlot?!
Joe: what the...?! The gates of canterlot, Equastria?! Waida minute! This-This has to be a-...a-...
Joe: huh?!
He was then completely surrounded by 10 canterlot guards as they pointed their spears at him and his dogs.
Trooper dog: (growls at then guards)
Joe: (holds his hands up) hold up! I don't want any trouble!
Canterlot guard: (glares at him) shut it creature!
Joe: creature?! Look I have called a lot of things but never creat-!
He was then hit onto the ground as the guards kept their spears at him as he was them forcibly grabbed up as, Joe continued to have his hands up as he said to himself in a whisper way
Joe:...please don't make this worse, and besides maybe princess celestia and princess Luna will maybe spare me. After I explained everything to them...
Canterlot guard 3: SILENCE! (Points to trooper dog) And make sure that heathen pest gets put in the leash!
Joe: hey my dog is not a-!
Joe: OW!
End of chapter
(A/n: hope you enjoy this chapter. I'll be making more soon.)
Words: 1035

Joe in equestria
FanfictionThis My little pony story is dedicated to Joescoutk9. P.S. hope you enjoy this. Joe is a human living in the United States of America. One day, he accidentally gets transported from the human world, to Equastria, there; he was captured by princess...