THE SPIRIT [ATLA] - Author's Note

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To whom it may concern:

This story is a fanfiction taking place directly after my other work, "The Other Airbender" trilogy, but before "The Air Master". I was reluctant to write this for quite some time, but had been toying with the plot idea so much that I decided to just do it. I do feel like I should warn you, this story will take a rather... controversial approach to some ships. So, if you identify as an avid Kataang shipper... This is probably not the story for you. I know some readers wanted to explore Alya's life a bit more after the rather abrupt ending of the original trilogy, and honestly, so was I. So here it goes: one final adventure to close things in a nice manner. 

I thank you for taking the time to read my silly stories and I hope you enjoy this one!

THE SPIRIT [ATLA]Where stories live. Discover now