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Okay so I fucked up a bit and forgot to post the real chapter 13 cuz there was a whole thing that doesnt make sense without it and stuff. So go read that and stuff. sorry.


Kyle came back to South Park to see Stan. He had missed his super best friend. He had gone to New York to visit Cartman, but lied to Stan about where he was. No one knew about those two, he just couldn't say anything yet.

"Hey, I'm glad you came here," Stan told him.

Kyle smiled. "Yeah, I'm glad I pulled a few all-nighters to come down here. Still can't believe you bought your parents house, didn't think you'd live here again." The ginger said.

"Same, I thought if I left I'd never come back to this redneck town ever again, but I did."

"Everyone wants to leave until you're gone," Kyle grabbed a beer for him and Stan. "I hate that I love this town."

"So how did the studying go for your exams?" Stan asked. "Did you do good?"

"Oh, definitely. I had a 91% grade average. It was kinda easy. I knew everything cause I had help studying."

"That's good, I mean like I didn't doubt you. I always cheated off you in high school." Stan admitted.

Kyle stared at him, "Kenny did the same thing, but his eyesight was shit so he failed and got caught for cheating, stupid motherfucker. I always told him if he studied he'd do good."
"What do you expect, he was selling drugs and doing weird shit with Butters for the longest time, don't know how Butters got him to be so chill and shit. I mean I saw him snort some shit and go all over town with Cartman in a shopping cart. The three of us ended up in the peppermint hippo by like four in the morning."

Kyle spit out his drink in suprise, "When the fuck was this?" he asked coughing.

Stan shrugged, "I dunno maybe like twelfth grade or the summer after. It was all a blur for the longest time. But that night stood out the most. You were gone to D.C with your dad."

"Kinda glad I wasn't there, I never liked to party. It was always just kinda gross, ya know."

"Did you really spend the whole Christmas break studying or did you hook up with some dude?"

Kyle looked at his friend, unknowing if he should lie or not, "Yeah, um I ended up going to a party with one of my friends. It was fun and chill. Had some weed, nothing too special." Kyle said


"Please just come, we can leave after an hour if you don't wanna be there." Cartman begged Kyle. "Ky...please, for me"

Kyle smiled slightly, "Okay we can go. It might be fun,"

They went to the party. It was a New York loft, maybe 10 people there.

"Eric!" This guy happily greeted him. "Is this Kyle?"

Cartman nodded. "I'm so happy he gets to meet you all."

His hand was extended, "Nice to meet ya, I'm Owen."

Kyle felt nervous meeting Cartman's friends, "Nice to meet you too" but for Eric he swallowed the fear. Kyle ended up enjoying himself. He might stay in New York after he graduates.


"That's cool, I know how much you don't like parties, especially after what happened at Tolkiens that one time. That was so much puke." Stan said

"He ruined like a whole room." Kyle sighed, "It was so much puke, everywhere."

In 11th grade Tolkein threw a party. Clyde and Kenny got balls to the walls drunk and ruined a whole room. Clyde threw up in a fan. Kenny on the other hand somehow ended up on the ceiling fan projectile vomiting all over the room.

"I felt so bad, mainly cause I told Kenny to chug a whole thing of Vodka." Stan admitted.

Kyle laughed, "Shit man!" Kyle was wheezing hard

The door opens and in walks Kenny. "Sup fuckers! Let's partyyy!" Kenny had his arms up in the air.

"Hey man," Kyle hugged him.

"I got paid today so wanna go to Walmart?" the blonde asked, waving money around. "I'm rich bitches!"

"Fuck yeah, spending Kenny's money!" Kyle cheered.

His phone goes off, it's Cartman.

Cartman: Hey just wanted to say happy valentines day, I'll talk to you when you come down in april. Love you

Kyle smiled and texted back an 'I love you too' and some other mushy stuff. It was nice to have a boyfriend even if he wasn't with him all the time.

"I've gotta go call Wendy, cause tomorrow is valentines day and shit, then we can go to Walmart." Stan said, walking away. He dialed her number and let it ring.

"Hi, you've reached my answering machine. Leave your name and number and I will call you back asap" Beep

"Hey just wanted to see if you wanted to do something for valentines day, it's Stan." he hung up and the three went to Walmart

"Okay, so I have $400 on me right now, let's buy snacks!"

They bought 4 shopping carts worth of food. One was full of drinks, one full of chips and cookies, one full of candy and the last one was full of frozen pizzas and ice cream treats.

"Oh..kay this is a lot." the cashier said. After about 45 minutes everything rang up and it was 500 dollars so Stan and Kyle had to cough up some money and help pay for stuff. As they were loading everything up into Kyle's mini van(or as they like to call it "kyles mom van").

"I'll put these two back just to keep loading!" Kenny shouted. "Brb"

"God, just say be right back, dumbass," Kyle mumbled under his breath.

As Kenny was putting the carts back a car was speeding in the parking lot. It came full throttle at Kenny. On impact he went about six feet.

"OH MY GOD! They killed Kenny!" Stan screamed

"You BASTARD" Kyle yelled.

Kenny stood up and whipped the dirt off his pants. "I'm good"

"How the hell did you NOT die?" Stan asked, getting into the passenger's seat.

Kenny shrugged, "Luck, i dunno"

Stan calls Wendy again but doesn't leave a message in fear of seeming too desperate and shit.

They go back to Stans and binge eat the food as they play video games. When they were in late elementary and high school they would spend pay checks and allowance on junk food and beer. Most of the time they were at Stan's or Cartmans and the four would just have fun. Some things never change.

Stan grabbed his phone and texted her: Hey, do you wanna do something for Valentine's day?

Kyle looked through the video games that Stan had, "Mario then... Halo, then maybe some GTA?"

Throughout the night they ate all the food and played games. Stan was beating them in almost everything. Hours went by, Kyle puked up half the stuff he ate. Stan's phone had died at around 4 so when he charged it at 11 he saw that Wendy had texted him.

Wendy: sure that sounds good, i'm free tmr

Stan smiled, he put his phone down and kept playing video games and ate the rest of what they had bought. 


Yeah so the story is at I think 1.6k reads, tysm it's amazing :)    <3

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