Rimuru reached Dwargon at a speed that even instant teleportation pale in comparison.Well technically if someone like him with massive energy do that it can even it will cause a big bang in lower to higher world but it was different story if the world was protected by veldanava's power and have his blessing ..and cardinal world does have different laws of physics...
Now he was waiting at que enter in Dwargon Kingdom.
He take the form of 10 year old kid.
Everyone here doesn't even noticed cause he using primitive magic Rimuru to unnoticeable to everyone...
He is standing in line 10 persons in as last to enter..
After some minutes he entered in the kingdom of Dwargon....
While entered he removed the spell Kaido and guards noticed him.And checked him
"You can enter now kid..."Kaido
He confused first him as girl because his long blue hair but he can clearly see Rimuru's 'Adams apple' visible. This genius deal with this kind of situation in the otherworld now so he think proper plan without explaining everytime.So he wear cloths like that to expose that even in this child form...
" yes thanks for giving permission for me to enter. " Rimuru
While trying to enter the domain of King Gazel someone run towards Kaido and guards.
Rimuru know why they were coming here.
" si...r Kai..do Dord and others greatly injured in Mine! " that random npc
"What ?How much ..? Is it severe?" Kaido
"Yes it surely is Dord even lost his limps " random Npc .
While listening it Rimuru decided to help
"Umm.. Sir I can give you a full portion ! But in exchange you need to give me best artisans here , what about it?" Rimuru
"Full portion ? There noway have that!" Npc said
" I have it look " Rimuru said gave the full portion from his pocket to check it.
"I will take it ... If anything I will punish you severely ...!" Kaido
After saying that both npc and Kaido left to check Dord and others.....
"Can we trust that individual sir?" Npc
"I don't know but I don't see a single lie from him!" Kaido
After they reached Dord and other room
"Hah they are greatly injured like you said . This portion atleast have to stop bleeding !" Kaido said and poured portion on Dord's lost arm it regrow instantly.
"What the hell?" Npc said
"........" Kaido eyes are out of shock because what happen
"What I get back my arms back?" Dord.
Other two healed
And Kaido tell them about Rimuru and his request .
Gazel also know of this event by Kaidos report through his spies....
Time skip
"So you guys will take me to best artisans as I requested right?" Rimuru
" Yes , I will take you to him as a matter I promised ..!" Kaido
"Thanks!" Rimuru
"But I have question were did you get the full potion?" Kaido
"Sorry I can't tell you that .." Rimuru

Rimuru Go Back In Time / Alternate Realities Etc
FanfictionIts just an idea pop in my mind for 2 days ago.