I opened my eyes to see a young, male nurse leaning over me. In an instant, his eyes flashed blue and brown. Gasping, I tried to sit up. Feeling an immediate head rush, I shut my eyes and laid back down. Glancing back at the nurse, I saw that he had two green eyes and looked worried. Rushing from the room, he called for a doctor.
"She's awake" the green-eyed nurse whispered to the doctor, who pulled on a pair of rubber gloves with the annoying snap that had to be the most cliché doctor thing ever. "She looked scared"
"I can hear you." I managed to get out, between heavy breaths. "I thought I saw something..."
"It's fine" The doctor began reading over my chart and kept glancing at me with dark brown, almost black eyes. "How are you feeling?"
"Fine. A bit light-headed, I guess..." I frowned. My head ached, but I couldn't tell if it was anxiety or a symptom of something worse.
"That's to be expected. Do you remember what happened?"
Yes. I did. I remembered the eyes and the fall and the fear in Ash. Ash... "No." I stated plainly. Maybe his explanation would help me understand what was happening to me.
"We think, though your tests are giving us complications that you had a drop in blood pressure causing you to pass out."
I smiled. It was scientific and precise. Nothing strange was happening to me.
"Hadley!" I heard, and all of a sudden, there was a very pale, very tired-worried Ash rushing into my room. "Hadley...you're...you're okay!" He grinned, totally ignoring the doctor that seemed less than thrilled about his unexpected visit. Green-eyes seemed to like him though.
"He hasn't left," The nurse said with a smile, slapping him on the back. "You should be thankful; he's been cutting class for you."
"I'm sure that's a horrible sacrifice." I said with a weak smile. Ash grinned at my attempt at humor. The doctor, looking annoyed, silenced the nurse and myself with a glare.
"You should be able to go home later today."
"I have a question." I said, becoming more aware of the situation. "If I just passed out because of a drop in blood pressure, why was I out for so long? It typically only lasts a few minutes...or seconds...doesn't it?" Frowning, I watched the smile waver on the nurse and Ash glanced away.
The doctor nodded. "We aren't sure, but we all of your vitals are stable and nothing seems to be wrong with you. We believe..." he nodded to the nurse, who led Ash out of the room immediately before the doctor continued. "We believe that you may just be having some extra complications, but we aren't positive." He winced when he stated that. He didn't know. Feeling my stomach drop, I nodded.
"So this could be something...worse? How long was I out?" My heart rate increased.
"Only about an hour. Maybe less. We don't have an exact start time. We brought you here as a precaution. It's a small town; we wanted to make sure you were safe." He nodded. "All tests are coming back negative and you have absolutely no need to worry."
I stared at the doctor. He had no idea what was wrong with me, but here he was telling me I didn't have to worry? "I was passed out for an hour." I frowned at the words. Nothing about this situation seemed fine to me. Something was wrong with me, but the fact that no one knew what it was did not make me feel satisfied enough.
"Hadley is going homeeee!" Ash's dad agreed to drive me home after the hospital because my mom was working and because Ash refused to leave the hospital without me.
We loaded into his dad's car after a long day of questions and confusion. I was told I needed to sleep more, eat better, and drink more water. Apparently sleeping for two hours a night is not a good thing.
"Please just...no loud music today" I grinned as Ash popped into the seat next to me.
"I'm beginning to like this girl more every day" Ash's dad grumbled from the front seat, smiling slightly back at me.
We drove home in silence. Though, by silence I suppose I mean more like partial silence, because Ash refuses to do anything without humming any tune that comes into his head.
When we finally got home after what seemed like a 8 hour trip, I slipped out of the car silently. Ash, rushing out of the car like a maniac, wrapped his arm around me, putting his hip against mine.
"Ash, I can walk."
"I know, but I just want to make sure you're okay." His eyes stared into mine for a moment and I looked away quickly, beginning to stumble forward, surprisingly thankful for Ash's protective hold. It was like a weight keeping me attached to reality. I was safe with him.
When we reached my front door, I fumbled to pull the key out of my bag, so Ash pulled it out for me and led me inside.
"I'll leave you here." He smiled at me once I was seated comfortably in a living room couch, with everything I needed within reach and a bathroom a few feet away. I smiled, feeling out of place and alone in the large house that always had seemed small before this moment. His smile faltering, he turned to walk away.
"Ash!" I cried out, a little too desperately. Spinning quickly on his heel, Ash faced me with a look of terror. "Thank you." He relaxed immediately and smiled slightly. "I mean it. For everything." I felt my eyes well up with built up emotion and he sat next to me, pulling me into his shoulder.
"We're gonna get through this, okay? We'll make it through everything." His own voice faltered near the end, something I had never heard from the strong and confident Ash I knew.
"I'm so sorry" I whispered, still resting between his chest and his arm, listening to his heartbeat as time ticked on.
"For what?"
"For putting you through this." I pulled away for a second and stared into his eyes. They watched me carefully as I blinked away the tears.
"I'm here for you." He whispered it, but with a confidence that seemed to resonate a feeling of comfort through me. He looked
With that, the honk of a horn pulled us from our trance and had Ash getting up quickly.
"I should go..." His eyes continued to watch me. I nodded silently, and he turned to leave. "I'll visit as soon as I can." Nodding again, even though his back was turned, I watched as he left the house only to leave me entirely alone, bobbing along on the unsteady waters of my own mind.
Note from the author:
Hello everyone! I wrote this a while ago and actually thought I already posted it, but I didn't, so here it is. Hope you enjoy. Don't forget to vote for it if you like it and comment below with any kind of comment or criticism. Thanks for reading,
Leaves 991

Teen FictionSometimes it's not even what's real in life that haunts us the most. For Hadley, it's the fact that every single night, she watches a man she has never met before die in horrible ways. No matter how much she tries, the teen can never save him. Distu...