The Gift

I'm awake for a few peaceful seconds before I actually open my eyes, nearly blinded by the window wall I was looking at. I pinch my eyes, rubbing them as I groaned "Lovely to be summoned next to a supernova" I murmured before looking around. I was in an apartment, that much was clear from the thumping of the neighbors above my head. There was no one around me oddly enough, my bottle is on the table, completely untouched from what I could tell. Today must be the day I meet my Master, the one who owned the bottle, the one I was here to serve.

I turned hearing the door open, a thin woman with stick-straight hair stepped out wearing a crop top and jeans, information flooded into my head, and more memories seeped through from my master.



Future Lawyer.

"Mars! You good?"

"Yeah-Ah!- Just a sec!"

Theres a hum in my chest to confirm the other voice was my mistress', it was rustic and rumbled in her chest. I turned as she walked out the door, the sun perfectly illuminating the curve of her hips under the baggy clothes. Her hair bounces with each step, curled from what had to be countless nights of no sleep, eyes puckered and dry. I tutted seeing her bruised elbow and pale sickly body "No wonder you haven't drunk yet" I whispered as she spoke with her sister. She felt utterly miserable through and through, when the bottle isn't used right away some humans can get a bit dodgy. She continued talking to her sister and walking until she stopped in front of me, I leaned down, resting my hands on my knees as I examined her.

She had green eyes and chocolate brown hair that carefully framed her face, her mouth did this adorable crinkle thing when she sassed her sister. Her clothes seemed to sag and cover anything hinting at the grace hidden beneath, 'Shame' I found myself staring more than I meant to, my eyes trailed to her injury. It's a shame she didn't open the bottle or I could heal her up in a second. I tilted my head as she walked around me, no doubt feeling my presence, then they both left. I looked around the apartment in my spare time trying to get an idea of who she was, the memories would flood me once she opened the bottle, might as well get a head start.

The living room is barely Iated, a wrap-around couch pointed at the TV, easily the most expensive thing here. I walked into Marnie's room, a bunch of chipped, hand-me-down furniture, I reached out and touched the bed for another flash of memory.

"Marnie, this bed is falling apart"

"I don't need anything fancy"


I winced and pulled my hand away, wiping it onto my loin cloth... Oh, right. I walked over to the mirror to see the form I took, I'm a male, I know that much. However, we take the form our masters would find appealing, long hair, short hair, black, white, and the like. I'm surprised to see that I'm still in my natural demon form but slightly... Different. I was tall enough that I had to lean down to see my face, my eyes were golden which I don't think it was like that before. My jawline was sharper than it was before, not that I mind, but from what I can tell, I everything... I really hope the loin cloth isn't part of what she likes.

I looked at the other items in Marnie's room, everything was items she found on in the clearance corner or on the side of the road. Nothing had any of her personality in it, I'd assumed she just moved in if I didn't know she moved in seven years ago. Testing something, I went to Chris' room and looked around, it reeked of a natural overworked college student smell. The room was littered with pictures and degrees, gifts from friends, stuffed animals she'd bought herself, some gifted. She made herself at home here yet Marnie's room felt like she was constantly living in a cheap hotel.

However, the number one thing on my mind was that they were normal.

Just a businesswoman and a college student.

That's it.

My last master was a warlord, the one before a king, so why was I being gifted to some random woman? I sat on the sectional as I tried to figure out what a god would want to gift me to? I'm lost in thought for so long, mistress comes home. I can feel her stomping up the hallway, distress and confusion contorting in her belly, she entered and tossed a bag onto the couch. My eyes narrowed as I watched her tremble and pant in fear as she began trying to wiggle her brace off. I scoffed a little, she shouldn't be moving-I stop as her elbow comes out clean, and the pain is gone entirely. I stood upright and tilted my head "Was she faking?... No, there was real pain there earlier." I whispered.

"I'm going crazy"

She whispered so softly I almost miss it, I reach over and touch the bag where I'm greeted to Chris' point of view. Marnie stormed up to a teen and started berating her, the girl looked confused, but I couldn't hear anything until Chris got closer.

"Gift? The wine? I nearly froze to death and I've been on a stupid amount of pills ever since!"

"Ma'am, are you okay?"

Marnie lifts her arm, theres a wisp of sulfur, my magic leaves the same scent for a moment.

"What are you?"

I released the bag and watched as Marnie grabbed the bottle and a bat before darting off to do what it seems she's doing. I huff and follow against my will, I had to follow the bottle no matter what, down to the garage where she set it down. Admittedly, she amused me, the first human I tried to break my bottle, I was curious what would happen if she tried. I crossed my arms as she positioned the bottle then reared back the back and swung down hard, it would have shattered for sure...

Had it not teleported behind her mid swing.

A sense of dread overwhelms it, the bat clatters to the ground loudly and her breathing becomes irregular. "Finally" I murmured before standing in front of her, holding my arm out in front of her belly as she huffed and puffed until her whole self came crumbling down. I caught her in my now human-looking form and shifted her onto my shoulder, grabbing the bottle with the other and tucking the bat under my arm. "Moron, just open the bottle" I chided while heading to the elevator, using my foot to tap her floor number. Hated serving in the modern era, bloody cameras everywhere make teleporting so difficult, especially this era with the cell phones. I placed the items down then carefully placed her onto the couch, but I noticed something as I did. I knelt beside the couch and leaned to her face, putting my hand over her mouth, every little bit of breath she took felt like warm pillows on my palm. I cupped her cheek with a soft gasp "I can feel you..." Touch... I haven't had it in so long I almost didn't realize it when I touched her. 'Is this a human form thing?' I was sure it wasn't and changed back anyway, but her cheek was so soft... I ran my thumb across her mouth, her lips were full pliant, almost pouty. I caught myself leaning in to feel them on my own and pulled back, but my hand never moved.

The feeling of her skin on mine gives me life and its been so damn long since I've been able to feel anything but empty.

I wanted to curl my body around her, bury my head in her bosom in hopes for a few seconds of true serenity. Unfortunately life had other plans, she began stirring and I stepped back, she couldn't see me again this time. She glanced around the room a moment before locking her eyes on the bottle, she stared blankly as I assume 1000 thoughts ran through her head. In one swift motion she stood and walked over to the counter pulling out a corkscrew "Theres a girl" I murmured. I tried to collect myself, had to be on my toes, I had a pretty clear idea as to how she was gonna react

She poured the glass and I was instantly linked with her mind, I could hear her thoughts clearly '... Do anything to get some damn answers!'

I leaned down to her ear with a smirk "Do you promise, mistress?"

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