"Meet my dog"

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A/N: This is when Vania is moving in with Cole in his house.
Cole has a Rottweiler named Rocky (like his dragon in season 1, lol), and Vania is going to meet him for the first time.
But the thing is, Rocky can be aggressive towards new people.
So we'll see how it goes...

Please enjoy 💖


"Okey, so you can unlock the door and go in while I take your bags." Cole suggested.
"Ok, babe." Vania agreed.

Vania unlocked the door and walked inside. But then did Cole remember that Rocky was inside. And he could be aggressive towards new people.

"Vania, WAIT! I-" Cole was about to warn her about his dog. But when he ran inside, he saw the most unlikely thing that could happen.

Vania was on the floor, laughing with Rocky on top of her, licking her all over her face and wagging his tail.

"What the...?" Cole was very confused now. What is going on?

"Babe, who is this? He is so cute and kind." Vania said.
"That's Rocky. My Rottweiler. He is usually aggressive towards new people. But it seems like he likes you." Cole said, walking up to help Vania stand up.

"Well, it seems to me that he is a little teddybear. He is like you." She said.
"What do you mean like me?" Cole asked, looking confused.

Vania giggled and pat Rocky's head.

"I mean, he looks tuff and buff on the outside. But on the inside, he's just a little softie." Vania explained.

Cole just shrugged. "Well, meet my dog."


A/N: A short one.... yeah. But it was just an idè that I thought of while I was fixing popcorn.

Hope you liked this chapter 😊

Bye for now 👋

Peace ✌️

~Niki 🌺

Words: 300

Conia Oneshots 🪨🩶✨️Where stories live. Discover now