Louis' Pov
The flight to London was about eight hours and thirty minutes. If I wouldn't fly with business class I'd probably be bored to death. I mean you have a screen where you can watch movies in business class. I normally go for first class but I didn't know I would spend more time in Chicago then planned, so I booked the the tickets too late.
Harry told me he played Alex in the movie Dunkirk so I watched that in the plane. The movie was amazing! He wasn't the main character but I still enjoyed watching it.
I also started to write a new song for my album that is actually inspired by a person, that I me a few days ago. I got this inspiration boost when I was about to fall asleep, so I took a pen and a piece of paper I found in my bag and wrote some lyrics down.
It's called Face The Music.
Maybe I'll change the name later, but I like it like that now.
My driver drove me from the airport to my apartment, which is unfortunately on the other side of London, so the ride took about another thirty minutes because of the traffic. I texted Harry in the mean time.
Louis: Hii already in London x
Harry: I already miss you :( M flying to LA today and say hello to some of my friends
Louis: That's amazing haz have fun
Harry: thank you very much lou see you soon xxxxxxxxx
Louis: see you soon xx
I couldn't help the butterflies that errupted in my stomach after seeing Harry's with the many x's.
When I arrived home I went immediately to bed, being to tired to do anything else. I know I have to go to the studio tomorrow to write further or maybe start recording some songs that are already finished.
I woke up the next day when my alarm went off, signaling that I have to wake up and go to work. I'm still wearing the clothes from yesterday, since I was too tired to change.
I decide to take a quick shower to wake up. I put on a random white shirt that I found in my closet and some black skinny jeans. Basic is the new fashionable. God I am so creative.
My breakfast consisted of toast and yorkshire tea. My favourite by the way.After I ate my breakfast, I slipped my shoes on and went to the garage to take my Mercedes out. The drive to the studio is about fifteen minutes. Matthew, my manager, said that I should be there in thirty that means that I have time to stop at my favourite bakery to grab a coffee and a maybe a small snack.
"Hello Louis" Betty said. Betty is an old lady, who works at the bakery since I can remember. When I first moved to London I always used to stop by at this bakery. Well, Betty is a very friendly person. She started talking to me after a week when she realised that I'll probably be here evry day before work. That's basically how we became friends. Sometimes she gives me free cookies, which is really sweet.
"Hi Betty" I answered politely and smiled at her.
"What can I get you today, love?"
"I'd like a medium coffee with two sugars, milk and whipped cream, please. Oh and a chocolate muffin." While I waited for my order I checked my phone and saw unread messages from Harry. I smiled at my phone and opened the message app to read what he sent me.
Harry: Morniiiiiin Louuu :)
Hey why aren't you answering me? :(
Oh sorry you're probably still sleeping. Sweet dreams love xLouis: Hello Haz I'm awake haha I just didn't have time to check my phone this morning. Was in quite a rush
Harry: oh hehe well then sorry :) how are you anyway?
Louis: Nothing to be sorry about here, but I'm fine thank you. About to go to the studio after I get my order
Harry: Amazing!! Hope you have a producive day today xx
Louis: Thank youuuuuu xx
Have to go now though, my order is readyHarry: Okaayyy byeeeeee xxxxxxxx
I smiled again at the many x's in Harry's text.
"I assume you text someone really funny since you're basically grinning at your phone" I heard Betty say and blushed at her comment.
"Nah just a friend"
"I'll have to hear something about this friend of yours someday" she winked at me and gave me my order. I thanked her politely and left the shop, hopping back into my car.
We were all really productive in the studio that day. We wrote even more and started to record. The recordings are not ready yet but we already have recorded about four songs which is really good. I'm also excited to release my next album. I mean the last time I released an album was three years ago and my fans are waiting for something. Hopefully they will like this one as much as they liked Walls. To be honest this album feels more like me. It has songs that I'm really proud of.
We're having a small break right now so I decided to check my phone. I read some tweets from my fans and answered texts from my mum asking me when i'm going to visit her and the girls. I really I'll make it soon.
Then I saw a headline on Instagram that really shocked me."Harry Styles kissing a mistery brunette? Who is she and why is she with Harry Styles?"
My heart dropped.
My breath stopped.
My phone fell from my hands.
Seeing Harry kissing some girl in LA just after what happend between us isn't a good thing. I should know it was just a weekend fling and he didn't mean anything he said to me during these few days. But why? I got my heart broken for so many times. I never was the first choice. Why would I think that it was different with him?
"Hey guys I'm so sorry but I have to head home I'm not feeling well."
Speeding over the speed limit I drove as fast as I could to get home. After I parked my car I hurried inside and took my phone out of my pocket dialing Harry's number with tears in my eyes.
"Hey babe-"
"Don't babe me Harry" I said, tears already streaming on my face.
"Hey hey what happend?"
"You know exactly what happend Harry! Don't act all innocent. I saw you having your fucking tounge inside that girls mouth!"
"You're overreacting Louis. Firstly she's my ex. Secondly the picture was taken a few months ago and third even if it was current we aren't together so you have basically no right to overreact." He said with anger in his voice.
"So you're saying that I'm just some quick fuck for you?"
"That's not what I said I-"
"But you meant it like that!"
"Can you please let me explain?"
The line went silent for a few seconds, signaling for Harry to keep talking.
"Look Louis, I didn't mean it like that and I didn't mean to hur you, okay? I really like you and I hope that we can make something out of this. Hopefully you understand what I want to tell you."
I had to think for a while.
"You mean a lot to me and that's why your words hurt me Harry. I'll have to think about this, okay?"
"Fine I'll leave you some time to think. Please text me or call me when you made your decision okay?"
"Yeah sure"
Then I hung up.
Heyyy it's been a while. Here is another chapter with some drama hope you enjoyed it.

FanfictionWhen two popular singer meet at a party and start seeing each other later, will it end well? That's where it starts "Bitter ends turn sweet in time is that true of yours and mine?" or the one where Louis and Harry are solo artists and meet in Tokyo...