Navy pier

737 12 0

G- " this is beautiful at night, woah I'm hungry!"
C-"lets get some food baby"
G-"yes please I'm so hungry"
C-"how about the new seafood one at the end of the pier?"
G-"sure sounds good"

At restraint

C-"I love you"
G-" I love you too"
C- " how's the little one doing in there I want a girl"
G-" same but I'm hoping for twins"
C-" that would be perfect"

Food comes they finish and are on the pier

G-"what do you want to do now?"
C-" how bout we go home and have a night too our self"
G-" Saturday night by our self?!? When was the last time we had on of those lets go"

Casey grabs her hand and they walk out and get home

C-" oh my god what the"
G- turns around *gasps* "I'm calling Antonio"

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