We arrived at the bar at 9:30pm and the loud music welcomed us. I recognize some of Niall's close friends around the block and from Will's company.
"Liam!" I shouted and waved my hand.
"Viel! What took you so late?" He asked.
"We dropped Niall's gift in his room. Shhh!" Kez answered for me.
"Ohh. You missed all of the fun and drinking!" Liam shouted from the loud music and yes I can tell that he is drunk.
"Where is Niall?" I asked.
"I don't know."
"Okay i'll just find him." i smiled.
I walk past through the dancing bodies on the middle and spotted Harry looking so pissed off.
"Harry! Hey, what's the matter?" I asked him.
"I saw Hannah." He said as he frowned.
"What?! In here? Why is she here?!" I asked him.
"I don't know. I told her to leave but she didn't." Harry sounds so pissed off.
"Okay where is Niall?" I asked.
"I think he goes to the restroom. You need to find him, he's drunk." Harry said as he drink his beer.
I quickly go to the men's restroom. I don't care if Hannah is here, i trust Niall. I hesitated to go inside because I know there are many drunk asses inside and Im not sure if Niall's is in there. But suddenly I heard a familiar irish accent. Niall is talking to someone, and that someone is crying.
The door is quite open so I peek through it. I am shocked from what I saw.. Niall is kissing Hannah, Hannah is kissing Niall. The two are kissing each other.
I don't know what to feel or do. I just froze from where I stand until I realize that there are tears streaming down my face.
I am hurt, so fucking hurt. And all i know is I am shattered into pieces but still standing on my feet. I hate him for making me trust him and he just broke that trust. I hate him for hurting me once again. I hate him for making me love him.
I accidentally gasp and let out a loud cry that caught Niall's attention. He recognize me so i turn around and run.
"Viel!" He calls. But i keep running. I don't bother bumping everyone I walk past by.
"Hevielene stop!" Niall yelled.
I bumped into Zayn. "Viel? Why are you crying?!" He asked shaking my shoulder. I didn't answered him and just storm out of the bar.
I run with all of my strength, not knowing where i should go. I cried and cried as Niall still calling out my name begging me to stop.
"Baby please?" He plead. When he called me that it feels like a double edge hammer is hitting me straight to my chest.
I stopped and face him. "I can't believe you Niall! I trusted you! I fucking trusted you with all my heart!" I slapped him hard on the face as I yelled and let out all of my anger.
"Viel it's not what you think it is! Baby please here me out." He still plead.
"And you still have the guts to call me your baby?" I chuckled. "For fucks sake Niall you kissed her! You cheated on me with my step sister! She is my fucking step sister!" I yelled once again as i cried so hard and pushed him away.
"That was all an act! She tricked me! I am drunk Viel! She set me up!" He yelled back.
"So what? Don't you dare tell me that you didn't know what you're doing back there 'cause I saw it with my two own eyes Niall!" The images of what I saw earlier keeps flashing back. And it hurts so much knowing that he kissed her back.
"Viel please?" He begged and walk towards me as i step backward.
"Niall just please leave me be! I don't want to see you anymore!" I yelled and step back once again.
"You don't want to? Okay fine! I'll let you go and be with yourself for now but promise me we'll fix this tomorrow! Please!" He yelled and gesture his arms on the air.
"Fix? This relationship sucks Niall! It's already broken! You fucking broke it! You fucking hurt me!" I yelled as he continue to step forward and I step away from him.
"You know what Viel?! I am tired! I am tired of explaining my self! How can you believe what you saw! You said you trust me but what the fuck is this?! Why are you acting like that?! You supposed to hear me out and understand my side here!" He yelled as he ran his hands through his hair.
"You know what? I'm done here." I said on a plain tone. The words quickly slipped out my mouth and it feels like I'm gonna pass out from what I said. I can't believe this is happening, I can't believe I am ending this.
"Don't do this Hervielene." He plead and step forward.
"Sorry Niall, but I've had enough. I can't do this anymore. I can't see myself ruining your friendship with the boys. You can have your old friendship back with Hannah." I said avoiding to look him in the eyes.
"Hervielene please? What are you saying?! You are not ruining anything Viel. This supposed to be a happy night, we supposed to be happy baby please? Don't do this." He begged and cried.
That's the thing about love, it is madness. You will give everything and when it is gone you will lose everything too, you will lose more than what you gave. I gave him my heart, and now he is taking it away with him.
"Sorry Niall. I'm already done with everything, we need to end this. Just forget everything we had as I forget everything we've been through." And with that Niall grabbed my arm but i jerk it away causing me to fall out of my balance and fell on the middle on the street.
Everything is moving fast until I see a car running fast towards me, ready to end my life. Even if i struggle to stand up I can't, i don't have the strength to.
"Viel!!!" Niall shouts. I turned into him as everything turned into slow motion and blurry. After everything he puts me through he is still the last thing I want to see before I closed my eyes and face the physical pain that is running fast towards me.
This is the end of me, the end of us and the end of everything.
A.N. ;)But guess what this is not the end of the story aha! We are just on the middle :))) I required everyone to hold on onto something because this is just the beginning of the interesting part of the story :)
Keep reading and voting please!! -Lyb.

At Risk // Niall Horan
Fanfictionsomeone said that everyone will hurt you and you just have to find someone who's worth pain. Find someone who's worth taking the risk. Are they able to continue their love after a huge accident? Is the "mind forgets but the heart doesnt" is true? Ar...