063 - Blue Monday

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A room full of corpses.

I pull the slider to let the casing fall to the floor, the sound of the metal casing bouncing on the floor is the only sound in a room painted with blood. I drop the mag and place in another to work through this fucking place and kill every last one of these fuckers on my way to Bernard.

I take another deep breath before I push through the facility. I lean into the next door with my shoulder and it creaks open slowly.

I glance around the room to see that is filled with containers that would have liquids or chemicals in them. I walk through the place silently and there is not even a whisper, not even someone trying to hold their breath.

Did I kill all of them?

That thought crosses my mind and the moment I ask myself that question I spin around to put the two people that were charging me from the back.

I take a deep breath before muttering, "What a terrible day."

I've spent the entire day getting to them, I don't even have a phone on me because I didn't want to get distracted by either of the girls wondering if I'll be coming back when I don't ever want to give them that answer.

I set the rifle down on one of the barrels before feeling my pulse.

I glance at the doorway leading me towards even more into them and I shut my eyes tightly to prepare myself for it all. I've killed maybe dozens on the way into this place and I've yet to find Bernard and where he is hiding.

This ends tonight, one way or another.

But there is a gnawing question, what comes after this? Do I deserve anything else? I am no longer an Agent. By all accounts I am dead to the Agency and my bounty can not be claimed anymore so I am free from that burden.

Would my own mother be happy to see me?

Or would they also think that I am not better than the people I've slaughtered? Where do we draw that line? Because honestly, I want the world to let me die, no more chances, I just want to let go of everything that was and would be after this.

What I am, what I was... all of that, should be erased.

Is this the real me?

A shot echoes through the building, I grab the gun and throw myself on the floor as I shoot another trio dead as they tried to find me.

I shut my eyes tightly as I mutter to myself a verse of a song, "They tell me I am a god, but I am just lost in the facade~" I groan as I lift myself off the ground to feel the burning sensation in my side.

I press my hand against it only to feel a liquid around the wound. Ignoring it I push through the pain and head straight into the next room which is a small little drop-off area with a large garage door leading outside.

The moment the door opens I hear a shot that makes me fall backwards and retreat from the doorway to one of the walls.

"I can see you!" I hear him call for me. "Come! Let me kill you already! You've got nothing more to give for someone that should have fucking stayed dead!"

I look at the bullet hole and where it landed. I take a moment to do my calculation and burst out of the door with my sights on an overlook. I fire a burst of rounds into it, two of them create sparks against the metal as the last shot finds him.

"Ah fuck!"

I grip the gun tightly and start sprinting towards it only for more people to rush out in unison. I duck and dive to one of the barriers as bullets fly over me and into the barrier. I take them out one by one as quickly as I can to make sure I can catch up to him.

"He's killing us all! Get the fuck out of here!"

From my crouching position, I glance around the corner to see two of them walking up to me with rifles trained at me.

The moment they get closer I dash out from my cover and place my knee into his stomach and grab his gun to shoot the guy close to him and mow down the rest in the distance. He hits my gut and knees me in my wound.

I stumble to the side as he pulls a knife out of his pocket. "I am going to skin you-" I slam his hand towards him and grab him by the elbow to force the knife into his chin.

He gurgles blood and I start running after Bernard. I spot a group of them that would be fighting all running away, I bite my lower lip only to see all of them drop to the ground suddenly as shots echoed through the distance.

I widen my eyes. Only to see the dirt next to me explode as a shot is placed purposely next to me.

I glance at it and then make my connection in the general direction but whoever it is... I can't see them.

"If you wanted me dead, I'd be dead, wouldn't I?" I mutter as I turn around to continue the chase.

I catch up to him and he instantly spins around pulling a gun on me. I freeze in place as he holds his stance with a frenzied glare.

"Stay right fucking there!"

I start rushing towards him, he fires four shots at me before I reach him and tackle him to the ground. Ignoring the pain I wrap my bloodied fingers around his throat and start crushing his gullet.

He lifts his knee into my gut and uses his hands to claw at my face and hit me in different places to get me off of him. I can feel his nails starting to draw blood as they finally found my own throat and started digging into my skin.

"No words, nothing, that's all you deserve." I tighten my grip on his throat as I continue to crush it.

His hold on me weakens, his hands drop to his side and I choke him as he spends his last moments alive dying looking at the very person he killed all those years ago. The life drains from his eyes and I let go of him and roll over to the ground beside him.

I shut my eyes tightly to take a deep breath.

After that? Nothing.

I lay there waiting for time to pass, knowing full well that I took more bullets than my body is able to handle. I hear boots on the gravel walking towards me and I breathe out a heavy sigh as I ask the person.

"Here to make sure I stay dead?"

"Answer me honestly." I smile slowly as the person asks me. "Do you want to die?"

I answer. "It's over, isn't it?"

"It is."

"That's the funny thing about retirement, isn't it?" I chuckle as I finally look at the yellow eyes looking down at me. "You decide whether it is time to come back or not."

She offers a firm nod. "Here," lowering herself beside me, "let me help you, for the Major Crimes committed."

"Where are we going?" I ask as she helps me to my feet.

"Home. To start over again."

Major Crimes (K/DA Harem x Malereader)Where stories live. Discover now