Fairytales and Magic Pt. 2

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A/N: You should go and get a big box of tissues, (happy tears) and then pull up a second tab in your browser and get Christina Perri's song 'A Thousand Years' ready, as well as 'Glitter in the Air by Pink


Nervous jitters traveled through me in a way that I hadn't felt since...

So... is this a good place to hang out?

I walked down the path to the trailer, Bailey crunching just behind me. A hundred feet in front of the trailer, I stopped. My suit fit perfectly snug but I felt like bursting with love. Happiness. Gratefulness.

I took a minute to adjust my tie and forced myself not to mess up my hair.

Meredith and I were renewing our vows today. We were affirming our commitment to each other after ten years of loss, of forgetting and struggle. We were affirming our love in front of everyone who mattered. Zola was getting married today too. Someone saw her, her gentleness, her love and compassion, but also her fire and zest for life. Somene saw her and wasn't afraid. Someone other than her family loved her just as much.

"How do I look?" I asked Bailey. Our suits were the same, dark grey with azure blue vests and striped ties with matching colors. I studied him as he did me. He looked every bit like his mother, except his barely tamed blonde curls.

"Looking good dad." He dusted off my shoulder, and for the first time in ten years... I felt a real connection. We'd finally gotten past all the crap.

"Good," I nodded, "You too," I clasped his shoulder. Together we walked to the trailer where the girls were waiting inside. I rapped on the door. "Your chariot awaits," I called.

Shuffling and giggles could be heard from inside from the trailer, then the door opened, out popped Ellis first. Her dress matched the azure colour of my vest, and it sparkled with glittery blue and purple lace. The top was strapless, and it hugged her curves before flowing softly around her legs. Her dark brown hair was loose, save two thick locks tied behind her and braided, and around her head was a little crown of gold and blue flowers. "Dad!" she exclaimed, throwing herself into my arms.

"Whoa," I stumbled back, my arms tight around her warm body. "Hey. You look... I shook my head, she wasn't my little tomboy anymore. She was all woman. "Amazing. So-" I couldn't speak, just kissed her on the forehead. Ellis released her grip and stood by me, waiting for Zola and Meredith.

A second later Zola appeared. Awe struck me, seeing her in her flowing lace wedding gown. The embroidery was simple, embellished with flashes of azure. The backless dress covered her chest up to her neck in an 'A' shape. At her waist, it expanded into a beautiful fluffy train. Zola's hair was pulled back and braided in a cornet around her head. Exotic purple, blue and gold ethiopian flowers were threaded through her hair, much like her sister's. I stepped forward with the simple lily bouquet and took Zola's hand. I kissed her knuckles. "You're beautiful. I'm so proud of you."

"I love you Daddy," she said. Like she used to when she was five.

I felt like bursting into tears. God, I had been gone too long. "I love you too," I said, handing her the bouquet and offering my arm. Behind her, Ellis scooped up her trailing dress. Only one more person for our little wedding party.

Meredith stepped out of the trailer. Immediately I was entranced by her form-fitting azure dress, much like Ellis', only with a slight frilly train at the bottom. Strapless, it showed off Meredith's elegant shoulders. Like Zola, her hair was also braided the same way around her head and adorned with flowers. I was stunned once again by her effervescent beauty. "Mere-" her name drifted off my lips.


Her lips exploded in a wide white grin, as she watched me watch her. My heart pounded, blood rushed and swirled, causing me to blush.

She's my wife.

I took her hand and kissed it chastely. I had no words, only a deep hum escaped my throat. She shared a coy look as I handed her off to Bailey. I felt my eyes tear up. This was it. This was my family. We were all together. Bailey took his mother's arm, and the five of us walked up the path, to the house. our home, and our new future.



My father led me up the path from the trailer to to the backyard. Behind me, my sister followed, carrying the train to keep it from getting covered in mud, grass, and dirt.

Something old. My mother had found my old princess toys. A plastic silver painted bracelet that I used to love as a kid. As part of her rehab, and with Ellis' help, mom had fashioned it onto a silver chain she used to wear to hospital galas. I wore it around my neck.

Something new. The day after mom had been discharged from the hospital, dad and I visited a jewelers shop where he bought a silver and turquoise bracelet for me. "Something to pass on," he said, "for your kids and grandkids, maybe." I wore it on my left wrist.

Something borrowed. Underneath my fluffy gown, I wore Sofia's heels. Surprisingly, we had the same size feet, and it was quite difficult finding the right size shoes for our big feet.

Something blue. Ellis had found the right blue fabric to sew into my dress, and Bailey, using surgeon's thread, sewed it in all the right places.

I had a little bit of everyone with me today, and it was amazing. I let out a breath as we approached the small crowd of friends, family and close colleagues and the candle-lit trail that led to the front stage where Julian waited.


Bailey took my right arm, and slid a lily corsage around my wrist. Leaning against him I stepped carefully with my cane as we traveled up the path to the backyard. I gasped when we approached the candlelit trail which led the way down the aisle to the front stage, where Richard waited.

Something old. My mother's watch. Besides a few pictures and her journals, this was pretty much all I had left of her. A reminder to me that I could do better. That I did do better. I wore it on my left wrist.

Something new. A gold chain, in the shape of DNA, culminated in a heart-shaped locket. Inside? A picture of Derek and I on one side; and Zola, Bailey and Ellis on the other.

Something borrowed. Braided around my right bicep... the ferryboat scrubcap. I hope, one day, Bailey will come back for it. I never wanted him to give up his dreams for me. Whatever happens, he deserves his own path to extraordinary.

Something blue? My new vows, on a new blue post-it, written in blue ink, clutched in my sweaty palm.



At the the threshold, I stared down the aisle, to the man waiting at the end. The song began:

Heart beats fast

Colors and promises

How to be brave

How can I love when I'm afraid to fall

But watching you stand alone

All of my doubt, suddenly goes away somehow.

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