Chapter-17. Dreams and unexpected appearances

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**Chapter-17. Dreams and unexpected appearances **

"You are so beautiful inside and out Sharlene." He says with such sincerity in his blue eyes that I grin, showing all of my teeth.

"You deserve all the happiness in the world. Your smile is magical. Independent and confident, I find that very sexy about you." He says slowly leaning in to kiss me and smiling at me with adoration in his eyes. I swoon at his words and my eyes close on their own accord.

I can feel his breath on my lips and my breathing accelerates.

I am shaking.

No, not the nervous shaking.

Someone is shaking me. I open my eyes groggily and see a blurred image of a brunette instead of Matt Lanter.

What the face?

"Wake up idiot!"

"Oh dear Lord, waking you up is such a task. Sharlene open your ficrkin' eyes. Wake up. We will be late to college." The brunette harshly throws me back on the bed.

Matt, where did you go? Where are you? I start searching for Matt.

"Sharlene, wake up girl. Its 10.40 already. We have class in 20 minutes." This time a blonde says sweetly patting my shoulder and gently shaking it.

"Where is Matt?" I call for him in my dream.

"God Help me. Who matt? Matt Boomer or Matt Leblanc or Matt Damon. Why the hell am I even asking this? Heather, I think we should leave. We are gonna be late. It's impossible to wake her up." The brunette puts her hand up in exasperation.

I want my Matt Lanter. Those blue eyes and sexy brown hair. I sigh dreamily thinking about it.

"Sharleeeene, come-on wake up already. We have mechanics class today, its imp-" suddenly I am splashed with cold water on my face I sit straight up blinking.

"Melissa seriously?" Heather says.

"What the food Melissa?" I say groggily.

"Food? You are so incoherent in the mornings Sha." Heather giggles from beside me.

I wipe my face with my hand and yawn and was about to fall back to bed again when Heather swiftly sits behind me supporting me. I turn around and hug her, snuggling my head on her shoulder and was about to close my eyes when I catch a glimpse of my alarm clock which tells its 10.45 AM now. Matt, where were we? Where are you? Its 10.45 already.



Chocolate Fudge.

I have to submit my mechanics assignment and the professor will only accept it, if the student himself/herself submits it.

Apple pie.

I need to get ready.

I jump from the bed and run to the bathroom brush my teeth and wash my face and dash into my room when Heather hands me my clothes.

"Why didn't you guys wake me up?"

Jump, jump. Wiggle, wiggle. Jeans on.

"Did you see the time?"

Bra on, tee on. Hmm skull shirt. As always, good taste Heath.

"We are gonna be late and Professor Shiny head is so not going to let it pass." I say to them and hop to the mirror putting on my black wedge booties.

Ah. Hell. I will do this in the car. I take my bag and put all my stuff in and head downstairs. "Come on girls. Melissa grab the keys on the way out and start up the car. I will lock the doors."

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