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I look around and it looks the same as I left it but the groceries have all gone bad how long was I gone-

The doorbell rings and it's real Josh and I was so happy I hugged him tightly and he was shocked but hugged me back

Jh-where have u been

Y-through hell...what are u doing here?

Jh-my grandma is looking for the doll I gave u...she said it belonged to my mom-

Y-u stole that doll...didn't u?

Jh-I-I'm sorry but it looked just like u-

Y-it used to look like this Karen Mom then a fancy rich woman house wife then a modern cozy lady who had beauty brown hair kinda like ur-...Ur mom


Y-come here i think I just met her

I pulled him in not giving him a chance to answer and took him to the little door

Y-she's in there but it doesn't matter she can't escape without her eyes...none of the moms can

I said looking away feeling bad

Jh-can I see-

Y-helllll no...

Jh-um can I get the doll now?

Y-right sure I don't care I'll be glad to give it back I don't fucking want it

We looked around everywhere until we got to my room I explained everything

Y-the doll is his spy

Jh-...my grandmas spy?

Y-no dipshit "his"the other boyfriend the beldom... Slenderman. The doll spies for him

Jh-right...the made up creepypasta

I stopped and looked at him to let him know I'm serious as I think he was kinda taking this as a joke

Y-its like everything is better he knows what u like the food the garden the neighbors all of them are so freaky it's like a sex fest there but it's all a trap

I said getting close and he looks at me confused

Jh-um y/n I think I'll just-

Y-what u don't believe me do u? But u had a fun time fucking me u asshole it's like u won't listen unless I'm sucking ur dick or something

Jh-...w-would u


Jh-ima just tell my grandma u can't find it unless u do wanna suck me off-


Jh-because this kinda just sounds like a uh...story?-

I threw something at him and he ducked and I chased him throwing my shoes running downstairs until he left my house and hurried on his motorcycle




I was so fed up with him he will come around and if not I'll do this on my own


I changed my clothes and went downstairs to the twins

They was stuffing a dead cat and putting it on their dead cat shelf

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They was stuffing a dead cat and putting it on their dead cat shelf

Y-that's is...disgusting...but that one looks alive

Al-it's dying so I'm just preparing it


I told them about my situation and then they started arguing until I cleared my throat

Y-I need help finding my fucking family

Al-right um Anna get the...yea the candy

She said getting the candy and I asked how in the hell was that gonna help me

Then she started stabbing it until they took a stone out of it

Al-this should help u find ur parents it's good for bad things

An-no lost things

They went back and forth and I just shook my head leaving as they continued I didn't have time for this I needed my family back

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