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Draco was clenching the Prophet with curled fingers, practically tearing it apart. Orion, Tom, and Abraxas were watching him, and Draco's eyes hit a level of molten gray that showed a viracious temper under the surface. None of the three of them had seen such agitation in the boy before, but this time it was not even on the front page news, which they had thought if anything would anger Draco would be that, it was within the prophet...Abraxas' father had finally talked to the Prophet, and made it quite the strategic move as they were to leave for Hogwarts today. Everyone's eyes would be on them now. The Patriarch had stated something like he had known his wife had ended up with child soon after Abraxas, and had thought to withdraw it from the public eye, considering it was a harsh pregnancy on his wife at the time, however during birth something had happened...and it was believed that his child had died along with his wife. Since that was not the case, Draco's great-great grandfather had reassured that he would 'thoroughly investigate matters, and to be kind to young Draconis as he settles himself, as not much is known of the people who took him in and raised him'. It was exasperating that he had waited so long when he could have done these things immediately, but Draco was not one to question the Patriarch of his family. That was disasterous, and not what angered him. No, it was the next story, Tom noted.

"Not fond of him, are you?" Tom questioned blithely. Draco's eyes ripped up to Tom's own dark ones, tilting his head questioningly, and Tom dropped his gaze down towards the paper, and more specifically the moving figure that was pictured. Albus Dumbledore. Once more playing the kind benevolant being. Draco knew him to be anything but, and he honestly was shocked at how everyone thought him to be kind. He had gone on record to the Prophet talking about all the new things that Hogwarts was planning on implementing (likely through Dippet because Draco could tell the other did not seem too thrilled about it) to protect the young magical community during this harsh war time. This included increased security, thorough screening checks, and limiting who left during the school year, including teachers.

"Not in the slightest." Draco hissed under his breath. He rent the paper apart, curling the two sections into his fists and his fists flaring up, flames licking at his skin and the flamable substance, before opening it, and dropping the ashes onto the table. His breathing was coming in short gasps practically now, but he did not pay attention to that, and the other three were a bit more preoccupied with the effortless nonverbal and wandless magic that he had just displayed, staring at him, two disconcertedly, and one with interest. Draco could not pay attention to that either, too focused on his prevailing thoughts. I would bet that Dumbledore has been too lenient with his classes. I had heard Father mention something about it, claiming that this had happened during his own father's time and that Abrazas had mentioned it, but it would seem that it was actually true.

"Good," Tom muttered, leaving Draco's eyes to jolt to his, gray clashing with brown, an odd look in Draco's own. "Nobody here likes Dumbledore, in fact it is the exact opposite. It would be rather odd if the Malfoy's newest family addition was shown liking the man as well, though I would be quite careful..." Tom's voice lowered, taking on his standard warning feel to it. He could see how Abraxas and Orion besides him seemed to straighten, and watched as Draco's own eyes flared with...something...though it was far too swift for Tom to understand what exactly it was. "...In showcasing that anger. Particularly since you do have your little...side project to be completing." Draco's stared at Tom, not sure what he should say in response to that, and it was obvious that the two at his sides were curious about the words, though he was surprised when Tom did not bother elaborating.

"I will keep that in mind," Draco stated, finally moving his eyes back down to his hands, stained with char. He stood. "I must wash before we leave to the Platform. It will not do to appear like this," Draco stated, his voice shaking slightly, though Tom would say he was the only one who was aware of Draco enough to actually notice. Tom bowed his head slightly, giving permission, and watching as the younger Malfoy turned on his heel and exited the room. Tom watched as he left, ignoring the questioning looks of his followers.

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