Chapter 45: Offer

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Season 9, Episode 21

Angela groans as she thinks about all the paperwork they have to do concerning this Bailey situation. She watches from the gallery as the CDC swab the OR where Joyce Basche's last surgery happened before they take samples from Joyce herself.

After they finish their initial search, Angela finds the rest of the board in a small office space, "CDC's finishing up their swabbing of everything."

"We're throwing Bailey under the bus," Derek continues the conversation they were having.

"Come on. That is not what we're doing," Jackson argues.

"Yeah, it seems like that's exactly what we're doing," Callie nods.

Angela shrugs, reminding them, "Two of our patients are dead of the same post-op infection. A third one's barely hanging on. Bailey was ready to have Murphy fired when she thought it was her fault. An investigation is all we are asking for Bailey to comply with. Just like any of us would if needed."

Meredith argues with Angela, "We're treating Bailey like a criminal. She hasn't done anything wrong."

"Then she has nothing to worry about and should just tell the truth. There may be something with Bailey that she didn't know before and it's easily fixable. But we won't know until the CDC investigates," Angela reminds the group, "Look, Bailey is a grown woman. She can handle the CDC doing their jobs. She would yell at us to do this for anyone else."

Jackson reminds them, "The CDC has asked us to freeze Bailey's files and to not discuss the investigation with her. So, for today, keep your distance."

"That is ridiculous," Cristina says.

"Also, I think now's the time to put out a statement."

"No," Everyone shakes their heads.

"Jackson," They let Angela argue with Jackson, knowing she'd have better luck than any of them, "We have no idea what is actually happening. Putting out a statement now with half-assed information will only cause more panic. We don't make a move until we know more and we won't know more until the CDC completes the investigation so we help them, we do what they ask, and we do our jobs. Now, get to work."


Angela sits on a table as one of the CDC workers swab her nose, "That wasn't too bad."

"Most people say its a gentle swabbing instead of the probing they though it'd be," The woman says, smiling.

"That's exactly right, thank you," Hoping off the table, Angela walks into the hall where her phone rings, "T, I am so glad to see your face."

"Hey, I have a question for you."

"No, I will not fly Everett out to see you by himself," Angela rolls her eyes, watching as Ethan pushes his mom around the hospital in a wheelchair.

"That wasn't the question, but boo!" Teddy laughs, "How would you feel about coming to Germany for a three-year teaching /research/operating position? You would be developing and teaching cardio and trauma procedures tailor made for conditions only found in war zones and you'd have your own divisions set up to make your visions reality."

Angela stops in the hall, stunned, "You're offering me a job at Medcom in Germany? For three years? Wha-why?"

"The current surgeon is leaving to go to the UK to be the queens primary care physician or something. A, this is the perfect job for you! Just, please think about it? I know there's a lot of reasons for you to be in Seattle but this is a great step forward for your career and if you don't want it anymore after three years, you can move back."

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