The next morning, In the Morninstars house.
-Sasha, Kate, Leroy come on you guys hurry up, your dad is waiting for you.
-Yes mom, we're coming !
-So, how was work yesterday John ? asked Miss Morninstar .
-It definitely was an interesting day.
-How so ?
-Well, I've had the unpleasant occasion to meet a certain new person.
-Unpleasant ?
-Yes, he's definitely something.
-What do you mean ?
-You see...hey kids nice of you to finally join us.
-''Hi dad'' said each child.
-Hey little ones, Okay honey see you tonight, we'll finish our conversation then, kids eat your breakfast, kiss you mom goodbye and meet me in the car, don't be late !
After taking his children to school, Detective Morninstar went ahead and bought two coffees, one for the drive as he is living far from the police station, and one for the rest of his day with Cunningham .He bought them from his new favorite coffeeshop of the week, this time it's the Cesarius coffeeshop turn. You see Morninstar was a man who didn't like to have a fixed routine : Favorite coffeeshop, same road to use, same music to hear... he always liked to change things now and then to mix things up, make things more unpredictable as he said after all being a detective doesn't make you loved by all, retaliation was common where he worked at, so he took his precautions to protect himself and his family.
When he arrived at the police station, he saw Mr Cunningham waiting at the entrance, he was drinking a coffee and having a bagel with it. Morninstar parked his car and went to the man :
-''Morning, Mr Cunnigham. Is it still Mr Cunnigham ?'' Mocking him.
-''Good morning to you too detective Mornintsar. Is it still Detective Mroninstar ?'' rhetorically said the man.
-''How is your coffee ?'' with a smile on his face, that didn't happen often
-It's actually very tasteful, I bought from this nice little coffeeshop, I don't know if you ever heard of it, it's called the Cesarius'' Sipping his coffee, marking a short pause '' exquisite scenery there, you should give it a try someday.'' He sipped his coffee one more time , marking another pause ''You know what ? next time I'll bring you one.''
-''That's kind of you''. erasing the smile out of his face.
-Please, this coffee will make you never wanting to drink that abomination of coffee you have.
-Oh, you tell me. Are you going to put me up to speed on the case or maybe you would prefer to talk about coffee for the rest of the day?
-''Let's go upstairs, I'll join you in a few moments.'' Finishing his coffee.
-''Ok, you better make it quick'' Morninstar turned away a moment to lock his car, when he turned back Cunningham has disappeared, ''Unbelievable'', he entered the station and headed to his desk.
-Good morning boss.
-Good morning to you too Greg.
-''So boss, what do you think this case is all about. I mean Mr Cunningham a man that secretive why would this concern him . In my opinion boss it's just your typical serial killer. Where's Mr Cunnigham, he said he'll be here early in the morning, and yet he is nowhere to be found, that should tell us something about him.'' Greg stopped and proceeded : '' That actually may give me sometime to get coffee, I didn't have the occasion to drink one today.''

Det Cunningham and psycho killer
Mystery / ThrillerFor the last year a serial killer has been haunting the country, playing games with the police and provoking them. Det Cunningham one of the best detectives couldn't stop the criminal for a mysterious reason...