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TIMOTHY DRAKE decided he hated ghosts.

They were annoying and went intangible and bantered like villains from bad cartoons and were so arrogant and if the damn bastard would shut up for like three seconds Tim would finally be able to hear himself think-

And then he got thrown on the roof of a car.

Which was Ow.

His ears were ringing from the impact, but it wasn’t enough to block out the annoying bastards (Skunk-something?) voice, and he groaned.

He turned to look at the car and make sure the civilians inside weren’t panicking, and then blinked twice at the familiar face staring back at him.

What the hell was Roy doing in Gotham?

Tim didn’t have the time to question Roy though, because the stupid robot ghost came into view and pointed a giant ghost gun directly at Tim.

And consequently, the car he was sitting on top of.

The car Roy was in.

God, Tim hated ghosts.

Annoying ass dead people.

But before Skunk-dude could shoot at them though, a young sounding voice reverberated through the air from somewhere behind Tim, vaguely echoey in a way that sent chills up Tim’s spine.

“Looking for me Skulker?” The echoey voice taunted, and Tim turned his head to see… another ghost?

This one looked far younger, probably around Damian’s age. He had white hair that contrasted with a black jumpsuit, and he was floating a bit above their car.

“Ghost twerp!” Skulker (that was his name) responded. “I’m here to take your pelt!” He then leveled his gun towards the floating kid, and Tim let himself relax a bit as the gun was pointed away from him.

Tim then started panicking again, because the weird cyborg ghost man was pointing his gun at a kid.

Albeit a dead kid, but the point still stood.

“Can this wait? I was kind of in the middle of something.”

“No puny excuses will be able to stop me!”

The smaller of the ghosts sighed, obviously annoyed.

But then a small smirk played softly on the Phantoms face, and his hands began glowing green.

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