"Right let's go and ask your mom" " excuse me Paula, I've just asked Anna if she wants something to eat and she said 'yes', is it ok and would you like to join us as well?" "I wouldn't like to intrude" "your not intruding, I asked Anna and now I'm asking you, ok?" "Well in that case yes, we'd be running late if we go back home for breakfast" so they went and sat down with Charles, Bill and Jed. "And who's this lovely little lady Aiden? got yourself a new girlfriend have you?" said Bill "don't be silly, my name's Anna and my mom's called Paula and I'm only in kindergarten, here comes my mom now." Bill looked up and saw this very pretty lady standing there "would you care to sit down Paula, I promise I won't bite, my name's Bill by the way, and that gentleman over there is Charles and this is Jed" "well I know Jed, I don't know Charles though" "I'm from the British Embassy in America and a friend of Freya and Aiden, popped to see them before they hit the road again, they're very difficult to catch up with when they're touring" "well I'm Paula, and that little madam over there is Anna" "well hello Anna" said Charles "hello Charles" and she put her hand out to shake Charles's. He took it and shook it "pleased to meet you my dear." Gladys came over to ask everybody what they wanted, most of us just wanted coffee, except for Aiden, he wanted bacon sandwiches, and Paula and Anna wanted breakfast. Anna snuggled in to Aiden "I like you Aiden, you're nice" "and you're very nice as well Anna" and he hugged her. He had a soppy expression on his face. Freya got up and said to Aiden "I'm just going to see if Gladys has got anything for indigestion, I've left my chemist's bag on Titan" "who or what is a Titan?" said Anna to Aiden. He was looking for pictures on his phone "I won't be a minute."
Freya went into the kitchen, "what can I get you Freya?" asked Gladys "nothing, I used needing something for indigestion as an excuse to come back here" "why, what's the matter?" "nothing really, I've just found something out that I can't change, but it's breaking my heart Gladys" "what is it? If you can tell me" "promise me it won't go out of this room, and you mustn't say anything to Aiden" "you don't have to ask, I won't say anything to anybody" "ok very short version, Aiden had mumps years ago and it left him infertile so he can't have children, he's ok about it now, but sometimes little things like Anna giving him a kiss on the cheek, and she's just snuggled up to him and told she likes him and he's nice and he said you're nice as well Anna and hugged her and he had a soppy expression on his face, and it just broke my heart, he's got so much love to give to a child, but he can't have any of his own. I mean I've got grandchildren so he'll be fine with them, one's a little two year old girl and she'll steal his heart, she does with everybody, but he can never have his own, and that is breaking mine" "look, I know you're unhappy for him, but like you said you can't change it, so just be there if he needs a special cuddle at times like this and he'll be fine, he's got you and I know he loves you more than life itself, and you him, and that's all that matters really isn't it?" "Yes, I know I was just being silly, but it was just like a knife through the heart, if you'd seen his face Gladys, I felt like weeping buckets" "right, I've given you some liver salts for your indigestion, so are you going to help me carry the food in?" "Of course, I used to do waitressing before I left school, so I'm an old hand at it" "in that case we'd better dress you for the part." She put a little cap on Freya's head and a pinny around her waist "there you go, don't forget to smile and they might leave you a big tip" and they were both laughing as they took the food out.
"Food up ladies and gentlemen, with plenty of coffee" said Gladys. Gladys gave Paula her breakfast and Freya gave Anna hers and Freya put Aiden's bacon sandwich in front of him, "thank you" said Aiden "it's a pleasure sir" and he looked up and saw it was Freya "since when have you been a waitress?" "Since Gladys gave me some liver salts, I'm giving her a hand serving the breakfasts and your bacon sandwich, and make sure you leave a big tip" and she did a little curtsey. "God I haven't seen you dressed like that since we had that party in the Embassy in London" "were you playing dress up Freya?" "Yes and no , I was working but not as a waitress, if you get my meaning?" "yes, now are you still working or are you coming to sit down?" "I'll sit down , thanks for the loan of my costume Gladys" "it was a pleasure, Aiden's face when he realized it was you, it was a picture" and they both laughed "are you enjoying your breakfast Anna?" "yes thank you Aiden, can I have some OJ please?" "of course you can sweetie" and he got some for her. Everybody had finished and they were just sitting there when Paula's face fell "is everything alright Paula?" "Yes" she said through gritted teeth "mommy doesn't like those ladies, they're horrible to her because I haven't got a daddy." They were talking to Daisy, Daisy didn't look happy, but they were doing silly laughs. They looked like right pains in the ass. "I'm just going to talk to Daisy" "your not going to cause trouble are you?" said Aiden with a smile on his face "as if I would" "famous last words" "I promise I'll be a good girl, you just finish your coffee" "I'll make sure Aiden drinks his coffee Freya" said Anna "that's a good girl, you look after him while I go and talk to Daisy" "I will" and she snuggled up to him.

When Freya met Aiden
FanfictionFreya was on a well deserved holiday from her stressful job at the British Embassey. On entering a high class hotel she happened upon someone she thought she recognized only to find so much more.