I raise up all 2,000 shards and aim them at her. "These are my weapons," I raise them up a little more and try to hide the fact that I made them all too full to harm her, "and don't disrespect 'em." she nods as in she was ready.
After twenty minutes of playful scrimmaging, I made the blood come back to me. "Not bad girlie, not bad at all." I start walking away when I get a tap on my shoulder.
"Hey, jayson. even though it's through this situation, you in prison I mean, I'm glad we got to see each other again." she smiles, a smile saying that even tho I'm an inmate- even though my life might not be good- I could always call her my friend, and that made me smile.
"Me too," I say as I walk away, "you won't ever know why I'm truly in here though." I whisper when we walk away."Hey, kid. um I'm sorry for earlier. I just wanted to act tough so I don't seem like a push over, I'm really nice if you get to know me." he makes a small laugh and I go to bed.
"Rise and shine, cupcake! You don't get to sleep in!" The warden yells at me when I roll over in my bed.
"Geez, fine. If you insist, I'm up." I grumble as he walks away. "What's his problem, I thought this was a free-flow jail." I ask him, so the next ten minutes as we line up for breakfast he explains.
"Everybody wakes up at eight in the morning, eats, then we start the free flow. as soon as lights out hits, free flows over because you have 5 minutes to be in your cell. if not you get shot, no warning. that's all." I nod as I eat my food. "okay, see you tonight at lights out." we go our separate ways."Hey, Gomer. I'm still waiting for your answer. By the way, my name is ally." I smile, but it fades when I see that girl mean muggin me again.
"What is your problem?" I ask her, but ally grabs my face.
"Do not talk like that to one of my girls, ever." I grab her hand, pull it away from my face and instantly spin her around quick enough that she saw the face that I was getting. "Danica, why are you glaring at him?""I've met him without meeting him." I look at her like 'really' cause she made us walk away from everyone else for that. "I mean in my dreams, we-we do stuff and smile and laugh. it's too good of a dream for me so I thought it was
A vision. The last dream I had before he showed up he said I will know you when I see you, yet here he is and no notice from him. I'm really hurt here." she starts to tear up so I walk over to her and hug her.
"It's okay danica, we'll figure this out. I promise." She looks up at me and I get flashes, memories of the two of us. "I know, I remember now." I whisper...