I woke up at like 3pm, I walked down stairs to get something to drink. "You're finally awake, jeez you look rough." Will said, in a snobby tone. "My mother just died in a wreck I don't need your judgement right now." I replied, grabbing a glass out of the cupboard. "You don't talk to me like that." He got up and started walking towards me. "You're not my real dad, stop trying to act like it." I filled the cup up with tap water and sat it on the counter, suddenly having to pee.
I ran to the bathroom and did my business, and walked back into the kitchen to drink my water. My cup was moved slightly, but I pushed it off as I must've hit it when I ran to the bathroom. I drank my water, it tasted a little funny. "Will, d-did you put something in my water? It tastes funny." I asked, feeling lightheaded. He grinned as I used the counter to catch myself, before passing out. I woke up in my room, naked and handcuffed to my bed. What the fuck?! Why can't I move? I saw will walk in, also clothe-less.
"What are you doing?!" I yelled, "what does it look like? I have waited months to get my hands on you and your body, now I finally can. Try not to scream, I'll have to sedate you if you do." And that's when it started. I tried to do everything I could to break the metal handcuffs but all it did was bruise my wrist and ankles, I screamed but he slapped me so hard it left a sting. I fought to get him off of me until I was exhausted and passed out. I woke up 2 hours later with my clothes back on and my phone next to my bed, Vic texted me like 49 times. I realized what will did, I cried. I got in the shower, fully clothed, I felt disgusting.
I cried in that shower until I couldn't breathe. I heard a knocking on the bathroom door and didn't answer it, what if it was will? Was he gonna hurt me again? I didn't answer. The door eventually opened and I started screaming, "No! Please! Don't hurt me again! I don't know what I did to deserve this but please!" I cried, not even realizing who it was that walked in. It was Vic, "baby what?! Who hurt you?! Why are you showering with your clothes on?" I immediately got up and hugged him. He noticed my wrists being bruised, "who did this to you?" I couldn't talk, I was having a panic attack in Vic's arms. "Baby, please. Calm down, just breathe." He held me, I felt so hopeless and pathetic.
I probably looked crazy right now. "I need you to tell me who did this." He whispered, then I heard will and hugged Vic tighter, "Belle? Is everything okay in here?" Will asked, I could feel my chest tightening. "She's having a panic attack, do you know what happened? I walked in and she was screaming." Will acted like he didn't know what was going on, "get out!" I screamed, he walked out as if I was just being bitchy towards him.
"Sweetheart, who hurt you?" Vic asked again, "i-it, it was-" I was hyper ventilating and practically gasping for air right now. "Who, baby? Who did this?!" "W-Will, he r-raped me." I was barely breathing right now, I knew Vic wanted to go kill will right now, but he knew i needed him. Vic held me and I just cried. I screamed and cried until I almost passed out, "why the fuck am I falling apart?!" I hated everything right now, why was life treating me like this?! First my mom died, then I get raped, and now I seem like a total psychopath crying in my boyfriends arms.
Vic carried me to my room, I couldn't walk. He grabbed me a towel and walked out of my room while I changed, "please- please don't go." I whisper/cried. "I just wanted to give you privacy." "Please don't go, stay in here. You're the only person I feel safe around right now." I cried. He stayed in my room but looked at my wall while I changed, "v-Vic?" He turned around, his eyes still closed. "Can you unclip my bra please?" He did it then closed his eyes back, "you know you can l-look right? I feel safe with you." He opened his eyes and tears formed. There were bruises on my rib cage, shoulders, hips, and boobs. I dried off and changed, vic sat on my bed next to me and held me. He started crying, he wasn't really one to cry a lot.
"What's wrong?" I asked, wiping his tears. "I just- I can't believe someone would do such a foul thing to you. You're an angel, you don't even know it Isabelle. You deserve so much better. Me and my mom, we're gonna get you out of here. You're coming with me tonight, we're gonna call the cops. Your mom said you were supposed to be with us anyways so I don't know why the actual fuck you're even here." He ranted,
"I'm so tired." I cried, causing my voice to crack. "I'll help you pack, you're staying with me for a little." I grabbed my suitcase and grabbed some clothes and other things that I knew I needed, including my mom's jewelry box. I kept her necklace on me at all times, i couldn't lose it.
I walked into Vic's house and he told me to go upstairs, Tony and Jaime were in his room. "Are you okay?" Tony asked, I just nodded and laid in Vic's bed then fell asleep.
Vic's POV: "call the cops." I said to my mom, "what? Why?! Is everything okay?" She asked, I felt my eyes get all watery again. "No, Isabelle. Her stepdad- he- he raped her. That poor girl tried to kill herself mom." I knew I was crying. She looked so hurt hearing that, "oh my god." She dialed 911 and started talking when they answered, "I need to report uhm- My neighbor who recently passed, her daughter was uh- raped by her stepdad. She said she doesn't feel safe there, she's covered in bruises, and she keeps hyper ventilating. I need an officer to 3534 Morena BLVD. I live at 3535 and my son is dating the victim. I'll have them explain when you get an officer out here, just please send somebody."

I'll never let you go, my dear //VIC FUENTES
RomanceIsabelle had to move to San Diego after her dad died, for her moms new boyfriend, he lived in San Diego. Her neighbors have a son named Vic and and a younger one named Mike. They're in a band together, it's called Pierce The Veil. Vic has a hard tim...