chapter three

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"You did such a good job Paul. You deserve this." Roman said throwing a stack Pauls way after the court case.

Paul grinned. "No problem I was expecting this outcome. It alway ends the same." Paul said knowing he is just too good at what he does. Roman knew he found gold when he found Paul. The man had a killer mouth piece, he could convince you that your blood is black when you know for sure it is red. Paul was also loyal to him and he really stuck by him through really hard times. "Oh that is not all wise man." Roman said driving Paul to a luxurious hotel.

Roman organised real bad bitches to give Paul the time of his life

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Roman organised real bad bitches to give Paul the time of his life. Giving him a key card. "Room 330. Don't disappoint me wise man. "Roman said driving away leaving Paul confused. He knew he had to find Jey and apologies for what happened in the morning. Roman had to admit he was on edge lately with this case on the air but with that out of the way he could be himself.

Bianca: I swear to god Roman you will pay for everything you did to Chris and it will take a long time for you to forget me because I am going to pick you apart.

Roman didn't waste anytime entertaining her anymore. Bianca can nurse her broken heart elsewhere. Roman blocked her number going back home.


With strict command from Jeremy to find his ring. Robyn was a mess. After 45 minutes searching her apartment and turning the whole place upside down Robyn couldn't find it. "Are you sure that I wasn't wearing it when we went out? " she asked Bonnie for the hundredth time. "Robyn I am very sure." Bonnie replied annoyed. Robyn stressed trying to remember where she could have lost her engagement ring. She has had it from high school and never had she lost it, why now? That ring was costum made, expensive as heaven and it signified Jeremy's love for her. How could she lose it.

'How could she be this reckless?'

Reckless? Losing things seemed to be her habit lately.

"Dammit," Robyn cussed. Not thinking twice she grabbed her purse and car keys. She didn't want Jeremy to get anymore mad at her. She had to find the ring.

"I lost something important of mine and I think I might have dropped it somewhere here last night. "Robyn explained to the elderly woman who worked as a helper once the inside the house, in Romans room to be exact.

Robyn's Pov.

Looking at every spot of this massive room to not find anything was discouraging. Jeremy is going to lose it. "Are you sure you haven't seen a ring somewhere here ?" I asked the helper and she shook her head no. I was tired of hearing that.I go on my knees looking under the bed. I was getting downright ridiculous right now but I didn't care.

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