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𝙸𝚛𝚒𝚜 and Malu swam slightly closer to the shoreline. Iris created miniature waves with her hands as Malu held the ilu steady.
"Okay so, first you connect your queue to your ilu's then-" Malu tried to explain the process to her but she brutally cut him off.
"Blah Blah, Blah. I climbed the Hallelujah Mountains and tamed my ikran. I think taming this... water creature should be easy." She narrowed her eyes.
"Fine!" He held his hands out gesturing towards the ilu, "He's all yours. In all honesty I think it would be quite amusing to watch you attempt taming him on the first try." he smirked.
She didn't even respond and immediately hopped onto the creature, attaching both their queues together, "Now come on and be a good boy." she whispered soothingly into it's ear.
All of a sudden the ilu darted off into the water, with Iris clinging onto his training saddle for dear life. She forcefully tugged on his reigns bringing him to a calmer more controlled state.
Then she gracefully (to look more composed like taming it was nothing) went under the water to where most of his body was and gently placed a reassuring hand on his head. She then gently removed the restricting saddle and reigns and bought her ilu back to Malu who stood there with his mouth gaping open.
"You made that look like nothing!" he said admirably.
"Mhm!" she nodded, "Easy as pie!" she said slightly sarcastically but he couldn't really tell there was any sarcasm.
"Well come! Let's get back to the others." he waved a hand and dove under water, Iris close behind.
𝙺𝚒𝚛𝚒, lay face down in the water, hovering just above the sand watching it. Kiri loved small things and she'd never really been near sand so it fascinated her.
As she lay there multiple shadows appeared and due to the water she could only hear they're muffled laughter.
She sat up out of the water, "Huh?" she looked up to see Aonung, Roxto and a few others crowding around her, "What did you say?"
"Are you some kind of...freak?" Aonung asked.
"He asked if you are a freak." Roxto repeated Aonung.
Iris saw the commotion as she was taking a walk along the shore and started to walk over.
Kiri sighed, "No."
Aonung began to circle her, "Are you sure? I mean you're not a real Na'vi." he cackled, "Look at these hands!" he ran and grabbed her wrist, "I mean look at them!"
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This is where Iris lost her temper, "HEY!" she marched over causing all of them to look at her, "Let her go."
"Oh...another four fingered freak!" Aonung laughed as Iris got in his personal space.
"A little baby tail!" Roxto snickered as he grabbed her tail causing Iris to slap his hands making Roxto drop it.
"Don't you daretouch me." anger was coursing through her veins. She needed to be on best behavior but she was too pissed to think about that.
The group teased repeating 'baby tail' and shoving and tapping Iris as Kiri bellowed, "Leave us alone!"
Then out of nowhere Neteyam appeared and when I say he was furious her was fuming, Iris had never seen him in a state like this. He marched over to Aonung and shoved him grabbing his arm, "You heard what she said. Leave them alone." he poked Aonung's chest threateningly.
Lo'ak came over to see what the fuss was about and grabbed Kiri's shoulder, "What the Eywa is going on?" he was angry but the sight of his older brother made him concerned. Neteyam was normally so calm and composed, so seeing him so mad made him confused and angry himself.
"They're calling Iris and I freaks and pushing us about." She explained which made Lo'ak mad.
"They're what." The rage could be seen in his eyes. No one, and he means no one, is allowed to mess with his sisters but him.
Lo'ak tried to walk over to his brother's side but Kiri stopped him, "Lo'ak, please just leave it." he glanced over to Iris and then Neteyam.
"Ooo! Big brother's com-" one of the boys chirped up but Aonung didn't even give him a glance and shoved him off. Completely focused on Neteyam.
"Back off. Now." Neteyam growled through gritted teeth.
Aonung held his hands up in arrest and walked backwards slowly.
"Smart choice." Neteyam lifted his head slightly, "And from now on, I need you to respect my sisters."
A few of the boys hissed but Aonung put a hand up to silence them still watching Neteyam.
Kiri stuck her tongue out at them as Neteyam pulled Lo'ak, "Let's go." he demanded. But Iris stood still filled with rage. The three began to walk off when they noticed their sister grounded to the spot, "Iris. I said let's go." she sucked in a breathe before glaring at the boys and walking over to her siblings.
Kiri held her hand out and Iris grabbed it. They began to walk away and the boys shouted fake 'bye byes' behind their backs as Iris squeezed Kiri's hand.
"Lo'ak." Neteyam said causing the sisters to turn around seeing they're younger brother walking back towards the boys.
"I got this bro." Lo'ak said to try and reassure Neteyam. Iris released Kiri's hand and started to walk behind Lo'ak.
"Iris." Neteyam said nervousness and stress growing inside his chest.
She didn't even give him a sideways glance and Instead stood a few steps behind her younger brother.
"I know this hand is funny, look..." he held it up to Aonung's face, "Alien. But..I can do something really cool. Watch." he created a fist, "First I ball it up real tight like this, okay then..." Lo'ak punched Aonung in the face repeatedly until he was on the floor with a nose bleed looking up in shock, "It's called a punch bitch. Never touch my sisters again."
The group hissed at him and lunged punching him.
"Time to really lose my shit!" Iris said in a sarcastically cheerful tone. She pounced on one of the boys punching him repeatedly in the face. Then a boy grabbed Lo'aks tail and she jumped on the boy sideways, swinging him to the floor. She held his head under the water until Aonung grabbed her hair and swung her around making her scream.