Part 19. The Confrontation

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Cheryl notices us getting up to leave and immediately darts over to the bar.

"Where are you going?" She looks frustrated, evidently she had been trying to sweet talk Toni whilst attempting to keep me close also.

I've always been content being the one to have my cake and eat it as they say, though being on the receiving end of it is never something I'd willingly put myself through.

I look at Betty to answer for us, as I'm yet to find out exactly where we're going.

"Reggie's having a little gathering at his, less leather jackets, more liquor." Betty smiles at Cheryl.

I notice Toni standing in the same place Cheryl left her. She looks impatient.

Cheryl looks at my face, clearly trying to read me.

"Your girlfriend is waiting." I nod my head in Toni's direction and smile at Cheryl, knowing it will infuriate her to have no idea what I'm thinking.

Cheryl throws her hands over her face and sighs as I walk away from her and follow Betty.

After a short walk we arrive at a small but homely townhouse. Betty opens the door without knocking and I'm surprised to see at least 30 people in the open-plan living area.

The music is loud enough to stop my head from running with my thoughts and I see the kitchen table full of all different types of alcohol.

Betty introduces me to people as I pour out two strong drinks. I only seem to notice the attractive girls, and this town certainly isn't lacking in that department.

I shake Reggie's hand and he welcomes me to the town, and his home. He invites me to sit down with his friends as they play a game.

I take a seat on a very lived in sofa, either side of the most attractive girls at the party. We play a regimental game of truth or dare and the first few rounds are very predictable, drink this concoction, finish your drink, have these shots.

The girls I sit with enjoy my subtle flirting, though I'm sure they're straight they seem open to attention and I'm more than open to give it to them.

The more I drink the more tactile I become. Reggie dares the two girls to kiss each other as if we are all in high school again. The slim blonde girl to my right hops on my lap and leans over to her brunette friend.

I sit back, one hand on the blonde's lower back and one on the brunette's. I enjoy the view. The face grabbing and tongues slipping and heavy breathing. I feel the movements of the kiss as the blonde girl doesn't keep still on my lap, her ass pushing into me, my hands begin to wonder.

As the kiss unfortunately comes to an end the girls smile at each other, their eyes glassy from drinking too much alcohol, the blonde girl continues to stay sat on my lap and she looks at me teasingly.

Red hair catches my eye from across the room and I evidently was too busy to notice that at some point over the last 2 minutes Cheryl had entered the house.

She leans against the wall opposite me, a drink in her hand and the look of doubt mixed with disapproval is painted all over her face.

"No one told me the bitch was back in town." Reggie obviously hadn't noticed Cheryl before this very moment either.

"Fuck off Reggie, your biceps have shrunk." Cheryl says without missing a beat, keeping her eyes set on me without even watching Reggie's reaction.

He looks down at his arms and immediately stands up and leaves the room, presumably to find something to start working out with.

Toni walks in the room with her clan of leather jacket bikers following.

She pours herself a drink and makes her way over to Cheryl. Clearly their conversation can't have ended so badly if they're willing to drink together at a party.

Toni watches me with the blonde on my lap. She says something to Cheryl who reacts by visibly clenching her jaw and taking a deep breath.

"Cheryl, why don't you two show us how it's really done?" One of the boys with a beer can in one hand and a spliff in the other, sloppily shouts in Cheryl and Toni's direction.

Knowing she is already pissed off, I look over to watch her reaction.

"If any of you complete idiots say one more hellish thing I will make sure you never get laid in this loathsome little town ever again." Cheryl's face is more serious than ever and her tone is aggressive.

The boys look amongst themselves and try to laugh it off but appear to believe in her threat enough to shut up.

Cheryl shakes her head and walks off in the direction of the kitchen. I look down at my cup which is almost empty. I tell the attractive girls, who couldn't get much closer to me, that I'll be back in just a moment.

The kitchen is quieter, a few people stand around the table full of drinks, but it's much calmer here. Cheryl is pouring what appears to be whiskey into her cup.
When she sees me, her facial expression doesn't change.

"You looked cosy with your new friends." Her words are unsurprisingly bitter.

"And you looked cosy with your girlfriend. I'm not sure you have much leverage here." I reply truthfully.

I'm quite sure if Cheryl has secretly had a girlfriend this whole time, I'm more than entitled to flirt with some pretty girls at a party.

"Are you going to give me a chance to explain?" Cheryl puts the cup to her red lips and takes a sip.

I shrug and look around, having a feeling that Toni Topaz can't be far from us. I can see her watching us from the living area, she speaks to a tall man with dark hair but her eyes are stuck on us.

"Why don't we get Toni over, so she can explain with you?" I suggest it even though I don't want it, I know it'll put Cheryl on the spot and I'll likely hear things I don't want to but I think it's needed.

Cheryl attempts to speak but stutters over her words.

"Toni, come and join us will you?" I call over, and she smiles sadistically.

The girl I'm becoming increasingly irritated by cooly walks over and joins us.

"I thought you could listen in and correct any mistakes Cheryl might make when she explains what's been going on." I look from Cheryl, to Toni. I'm yet to be angered by the situation but that's most probably because I'm yet to hear any details.

"Toni and I were together for 3 years, when things started going horribly wrong at home I knew I had to leave and start over. One night I left and I didn't tell anyone where I was going. I didn't know where I'd end up myself. I kept my phone off for months, when I turned it on I had hundreds of texts and missed calls from Toni, she was the only one who really cared where I was. We would call and text sometimes but I saw our relationship as over." Cheryl looks so awkward, desperately trying to not say the wrong thing to either of us.

"I guess she was in your bed while she was texting me, telling me how badly she wanted my fingers in her." Toni perks up, she has nothing to lose therefore she says whatever she likes.

"Toni, seriously!?" Cheryl snaps at her.

She drinks the rest of her whisky and pours herself another, I know she's not as much of a drinker as myself and I can imagine she must be feeling it by now.

"So you still see Cheryl as your girlfriend then? What do you want from this?" I ask Toni, genuinely interested in her answer.

"We never broke up so yeah, I do, and I want her." Toni leans onto the work surface, her demeanor is calm and I can see how we possess similar traits.

Myself and Toni watch the red head squirm in the spotlight, the blushed cheeks and open mouthed look takes my mind elsewhere momentarily.

"And what do you want from this, Blossom?"

The Boxer And The Blossom (GxG Cheryl Blossom)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon