"Well if it isn't Brian!!" I yelled to him. He turned around and looked surprised and extremely happy.
"Maria?! Whatre you doing here? Last I saw you was a very long time ago and it wasn't even close to Kalli City!" He replied. We hugged in happiness and I finally let go to reply.
"Cole and I had to find our friends so we came here!" He nodded in acknowledgement and we walked out of the PokeCenter together. I told him a quick story of what Cole and I had accomplished, but only said it as if we were on a trip. If i mentioned anything about Team Destrike or the Diamond, he would flip.
"So what'd you do?" I asked him. He just looked to the ground and shrugged.
"Just a trip to Hoenn. Nothing big." I secretly glared at him because I knew he was lying. He even said before he left that he had a mission with his dad. But I just let it go and nodded. Then I got an idea.
"Hey Brian! How 'bout a battle? Just a one-on-one. You in?" I said to him, stopping at a park where some people were at playing or training. He nodded and ran about fifty feet away and threw a PokeBall into the air.
"Let's go, Manaphy!" He yelled, as his legendary came out. I smirked.
"I think that wasn't just a trip you were on." He nodded.
"My dad said I had to protect it and it became really fond of me so it joined my team. Now come on, see if any of you're Pokemon could possibly beat a legendary. I nodded and chuckled.
He has no idea what trick I have up my sleeve. I took out a legendary Pokemon and threw the MasterBall into the air.
"Let's win this, Rayquaza! Use ThunderBolt!" Rayquaza attacked and he was too quick for Manaphy to dodge. Brian was quite shocked but finally got his senses back and had determination on his face.
"Use Fairy Wind Manaphy!"
Rayquaza already knew what to do so I just nodded to him and he flew straight up, dodging the attack. Then he flew down at his maximum speed and crashed into Manaphy using Luster Purge, which Latios taught him. And Manaphy was fainted.
"Yes! We did it Rayquaza! Woo!" I said, yelling and cheering. Brian was very surprised while Rayquaza just rolled his eyes at both of us. I returned him and put my hand out to Brian for a handshake.
"Good battle, am I right?" He just looked to ground, then he finally shook his head.
"No... No! Youre Pokemon is invincible! It knocked out my Pokemon in two hits! You're only 12 and you have a Pokemon like that?! You HAVE to hide! You know how many people would LOVE that Pokemon! Millions!! If you dont go intk hiding, that Pokemon could be gone for good..." He said to me. I just shook my head.
"Rayquaza can take of himself you know!" I yelled at him. I turned and walked away. But i didn't get to far because i was stopped by a women with brown-black hair and she was wearing black skinny jeans, gray Converse, and a black hoodie with the hood on.
"I'm Cortonamire. You and I need to have a nice chat." She said to me. She put a hand cuff on one of my hands and the other was on her own. She pulled me down the streets and we walked into an apartment building.
This chapter is done! Yes!! But sadly you won't figure out what Cortonamire has to say until July!! Maybe before IF I get time. If i don't, July it is!! Sorry! But i must go know.

Saving The Poke-Finders
AdventureAfter a long journey of saving the Diamond of Minneto, Maria and Cole return back home. All family and friends were happy about the journey they endured but conquered through. Everyone, except their friends that were kidnapped by Team Destrike in th...