Chapter Five

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(a/n: Zayn ain't even in dis chappie but here ya go ^^^)


3rd - 8.4.14 - 9:45 P.M.
When the soccer game had ended at precisely 9:35 P.M., Louis had offered Hazel a ride home, but she declined it. She had overheard him speaking with Harry and he might stay at the university for the night to take a break from his fighting parents at home. Besides, Hazel's mother would be picking her up at 10:00 P.M.

Niall had just argued with Harry once again about his girlfriend, Jessalyn. He had begged his best friend to come clean to the young girl who was oblivious to this dare that Harry carried out. So after this heated "discussion," Niall sighed and decided to take a breather, leaning against the outside of the locker room's beige-painted walls.

Everyone had filtered out of the field-and-bleachers-area to continue on with their celebratory drinking and partying, considering the Saints had won by four more points. And as Hazel tried to call her mom, running around and trying to find a signal, Niall was nearly fifty feet away, only the locker room sitting between them.

Rain drizzled lightly, only becoming more rough and heavier by the minute. The only light washing over the large field and fairly small parking lot nearby were the enormous field lights and of course, the natural light of the full moon above them.

Empty beer bottles and half-empty soda cans scattered the green grass just below the soaked, silver bleachers and it bothered both Hazel and Niall. They didn't see why a human-being would want to just drop cans and bottles and plastic anywhere when there were trash cans lining the entire area. How irritating, they both thought.
Hazel - 8.4.14 - 9:47 P.M.
"Come on," Hazel whispered to herself in frustration, trying to find a good signal. The rain was a bit heavy but it wasn't too bad. However, Hazel wanted to hurry because she knew it wouldn't be long before it hammered down onto her fragile shoulders and knotted hair.
She was trying desperately to find at least one bar, but no, not one and she couldn't call her mom, let alone answer calls from her mom. Hazel was planning on informing her to come get her at 10:00 P.M., but without a signal, she couldn't let her mom know what time to come.

So Hazel walked over to the bleachers, sat down on the wet surface, laid her head against the railing, and sighed. The rain came down heavier and the field lights suddenly went out with loud chick! chick! sounds. This aggravated her slightly because she wasn't too fond of the dark. However, the full moon and the stars gave plenty of light, and the distant posts of the parking lot stayed aglow with a bronze light.

Hazel typed out a message and quickly sent it to her mom. It failed to send, but Hazel reloaded it and it loaded sluggishly, so she put her phone back in her pocket, waiting until it sent.
Hey mom. Im sorry i didnt call but there is a bad signal and its pouring rain. if you get this, u can come pick me up. i'll be waiting on the bleachers...
Niall - 8.4.14 - 9:50 P.M.
As Niall leaned his back against the side of the locker room building, he heard a groan and turned his head. He spotted the girl who goes by Hazel, taking a seat on the wet bleachers. The field lights suddenly went out and Niall was grateful for the moon's white glow.
He noticed Hazel typing on her phone and then she stuffed it in her pocket. The rain poured down heavier and heavier, causing Hazel to shiver and hug her shaking, soaked body. Her clothes were drenched and Niall could see her teeth chattering, her lips trembling. He glanced down at his fûtból uniform rain jacket, then began walking towards Hazel, the rain causing his bangs to plaster to his forehead like papier-mâché.

The pounding of the chilly rain managed to camouflage the sound of Niall's footsteps as he approached the girl. He slid off his rain jacket and shook it off before placing it over her shoulders, flipping the hood up over her hair.
Hazel - 8.4.14 - 9:51 P.M.
The action slightly startled Hazel because she wasn't aware that she hadn't truly been alone. Was Niall watching me? Hazel wondered. Despite the fact that she didn't know what the heck to say to him, she smiled up at him, realizing only now how sweet this boy was. But she quickly hid her face again.

Niall sat down beside her and she wondered why he was out here so late and where his friends were. Wouldn't Harry at least stay with him? Louis was his friend, wasn't he?

"Um, thanks," Hazel mumbled quickly before hugging the jacket to her and staring at the grass, wide-eyed. Did I seriously just say 'Um, thanks'? Can't you do better, Hazel? Nope. The boy stayed silent and she peeked at him to see him nodding with a warm smile, his blue eyes tired. Why won't he talk? Is it me?

"W-Why won't you... uh, talk?" Hazel blurted, not daring to let her eyes flicker towards him. She stared at her ebony shoes, regretting the stutter that she let slip in her voice. Although, it was still pouring rain and she was absolutely freezing. And it was still quiet, so she slid another glance his way, urging him to speak, but what she saw surprised her a bit.

He was typing away on his phone. Hazel couldn't see his phone screen but she assumed he was texting and felt slightly offended. Then again, maybe he wasn't. But he was typing something- what else would he be typing? Can he not talk?

Hazel was about to force herself to speak again, but Niall then flipped his phone around towards her for her to see. It was on his notes app and that surprised Hazel as well. Why was he using his phone to tell her what he was thinking?

It said, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. It's not you, if that's what you thought. I went mute when I was eleven so I can't speak. By the way, you're welcome :)

"I- Oh," she replied. At least she didn't stutter, but she did make a weird sound before fully saying one word- one word. And she suddenly felt very guilty for deliberately asking why he wouldn't talk. While mentally beating herself up, she felt a tap on her shoulder. The phone screen's white light lit up her face and she narrowed his green eyes again.

If you don't mind me asking, are you only nervous around me or do you have a bit of anxiety with everyone?

Hazel dipped her head in embarrassment, scratching her temple. She focused her gaze on the wet bleachers and the large raindrops that formed small pools on the silver material. "I- I have..." She sighed. "I'm Autistic," she muttered. Who would be proud to tell a somewhat-stranger about their disability? Well, either way, Hazel sure wasn't proud of it.

I'm sorry :(

Hazel smiled slightly at the message Niall had typed after her confession. She glanced at him and their eyes met briefly before she ripped her gaze away. Shaking her head, Hazel sighed quietly.
"It's okay," she mumbled. Not really, she added in her mind. Thunder suddenly rolled in the sky and Hazel noticed lightning illuminate a dark gray cloud in the distant skies.

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